Top 10 Metabolism-Killing Foods To Start Avoiding NOW

5 years ago

Top 10 Metabolism-Killing Foods To Start Avoiding NOW Graphic © Background Pics - Pixabay (PD) Metabolic Syndrome Is A…

Global Forest Area Has INCREASED 7.1% Since 1982, But The Media Won’t Report It

6 years ago

Image - Pixabay (PD) Now I might not have believed this astonishing and highly controversial news, had I not seen…

Big Pharma Toxic Drugs Will Kill 45000% More People Than Global Warming By The Year 2100

6 years ago

image - shutterstock (under license) Recent studies and research [1][2] have shocked the world with announcements that an estimated 260,000…

With Only 22 Or Less Vaquita Porpoises Remaining, Scientists Expect Total Extinction

6 years ago

Photo © (under license) The vaquita porpoise is now right on the edge of extinction, with perhaps even as…

France Becomes The First Country To Ban All Five Pesticides Linked To Bee Deaths

6 years ago

Photo © (under license) In May 2018 the EU banned three of the significant pesticides implicated in the collapse…

Alarming New Scientific Study Finds Elevated Toxic Arsenic, Lead And Cadmium In 47% Of Fruit Juice Brands

6 years ago

image © (under license) Troubling new results have been published (Jan 2019) by Consumer Reports regarding well known consumer…

MSG Is Hiding Under Different Names, Even In Your Favorite ‘All-Natural’ Foods

6 years ago

Graphic - - MSG Image © shutterstock (under license) One of the most controversial ingredients in food production is…

Olive Oil Nutrient Found To HALT Brain Cancer Cells In Their Tracks

6 years ago

Graphic - Image sources - see foot of article The Mediterranean diet has long been regarded one of the…

Study Confirms Benefits Of Fennel In Reducing Postmenopause Symptoms

6 years ago

Study Confirms Benefits of Fennel in Reducing Postmenopause Symptoms. Graphic © Image sources - see foot of article Menopause…

Study Finds Tai Chi Can Reduce Risk Of Dangerous Falls For The Elderly By Up To 64%

6 years ago

Graphic - Image sources - see foot of article According to the well-known U.S. Centers for Disease Control and…