Music Boosts Your Brain Power By Literally Altering Its Structure As You Learn New Skills

7 years ago

Photo - Clem Onojeghuo - There are many activities and lifestyle choices that have neurological benefits and promote overall…

More Fruits And Veggies Can Slash Obesity Odds

7 years ago

More Fruits And Veggies Can Slash Obesity Odds. Graphic © Background photo - Pixabay (PD) The European Congress on…

Mindful Eating – Suddenly, You Have Power Over Food

7 years ago

Photo © switchpipi - Buddhist teachers encourage their students to use meditation as a way to appreciate the sensation…

Mediterranean Diet’s Anti-Aging Effect Can Be Seen On DNA

7 years ago

Mediterranean Diet's Anti-Aging Effect Can Be Seen On DNAGraphic © Photo © Shutterstock (under license) After analyzing 41 years…

Mangoes Might Be The Ultimate Superfood For Diabetes: New Science Finds They Control Both Blood Sugar And Blood Pressure

7 years ago

image 1 - sarangib ; image 2 - liwanchun - In the past, nutritionists have debated the value of…

How To Naturally Repel Ticks And Fleas For Humans And Pets

7 years ago

How To Naturally Repel Ticks And Fleas For Humans And Pets. Graphic © Photo sources - see foot of…

How Long Until It’s Gone?

7 years ago

Infographic - The amount of waste produced by humans is millions of tons per year. The term “human footprint”…

Liver Cancer Deaths Are Skyrocketing As Food Becomes Increasingly TOXIC Due To Pesticides And Herbicides

7 years ago

Photo © Sebastian Kaulitzki - Liver cancer is one of the most common kinds of cancers in the U.S.,…

How Your Body Rebuilds Itself In Less Than 365 Days

7 years ago

How Your Body Rebuilds Itself In Less Than 365 Days. Graphic © Photo sources - see foot of article…

Science: People Eat More Veggies If They Are Renamed With Exciting Names

7 years ago

Photo - congerdesign - Researchers from Cornell University devised a way to make vegetables accessible to kids. Kids are…