
Eating A Banana Can Cheer You Up

Graphic: © herbshealthhappiness.com. Image source - Steve Hopson (wikipedia) - lic. under CC 2.5 They’re shaped like a smile, taste…

4 years ago

Hugging Is Good Medicine

Hugging Is Good Medicine. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com Hugging is a universally comforting human gesture. Whether you’re sad, happy, excited, or…

4 years ago

If You Just Quit Smoking Take Chlorella Daily

If You Just Quit Smoking Take Chlorella Daily. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Background image © Eskymaks - fotolia.com (under license). Ever…

4 years ago

It Takes 17 Million Barrels Of Oil Each Year To Make Water Bottles

It Takes 17 Million Barrels Of Oil Each Year To Make Water Bottles. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Barrel photo - Pixabay…

4 years ago

Plants Can Survive Without Humans, But Humans Cannot Survive Without Plants

Plants Can Survive Without Humans, But Humans Cannot Survive Without PlantsGraphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Background photo - Pixabay (PD). Although humans…

4 years ago

The Benefits Of Coffee

Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Background photo - Pixabay (PD). Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world –…

4 years ago

12 Foods That Fight Inflammation

12 Foods That Fight Inflammation. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Image sources - see foot of article. Inflammation is an important immune…

4 years ago

Probiotics: A Science-Supported Antiviral “Secret Weapon”

Image - Pixabay (PD) Scientific Studies Have Shown That Probiotics Reduce Pneumonia 25% In Critically Ill Patients. So, Why Is…

4 years ago

Herbs And Natural Remedies For Coronavirus Infections: FULL REPORT

Image © herbshealthhappiness.com You've heard about the 20-second hand washing and the social distancing. Now let's open up the herbal…

5 years ago

How Soap Kills The Coronavirus

Plain old soap and water absolutely annihilate coronavirus. You've been told a thousand times: wash your hands to stop the…

5 years ago