
High-Intensity Exercise May Be Bad For The Bowels

Photo - tacofleur - pixabay.com Exercise is a mainstay for anyone who wants to be healthy. Unfortunately, like many things…

7 years ago

Exposure To Farm Animals Protects Farm Children From Asthma, Researchers Find

Photo - nicolehols - pixabay.com The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that a whopping 18 million adults in…

7 years ago

Dirt Is GOOD – Why Children Need More Exposure To Germs

Photo - AntonioEsposito - pixabay.com Parents of today’s millennial generation may have made a big mistake that comes under the…

7 years ago

Could Shift Work Damage Your DNA?

Photo - kreativwebmarketing - pixabay.com Aside from the damage night shift work does to your sleep cycle, a study published…

7 years ago

Compound In Strawberries Found To Be A Key To Good Memory

Photo - mali maeder - pexels.com Diet-derived antioxidants continue to be investigated for their health-promoting effects, including protection of the…

7 years ago

Can Sitting Cancel Out The Benefits Of Exercise?

Photo - StartupStockPhotos - pixabay.com Recent research continues to reaffirm the unhealthy effects of sitting - which can overwhelm any…

7 years ago

Breakthrough Studies May Finally Explain Why We Sleep

Photo - Stine Moe Engelsrud - snapwiresnaps.tumblr.com Sleep is an essential physiological process for humans and other animals. We spend…

7 years ago

Andropause: Male Menopause – Symptoms, Causes And Remedies

Andropause Facts. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Andropause, also known as male menopause, is a condition associated with low levels of testosterone…

7 years ago

Amazing Uses Of Banana Peel

Photo - PublicDomainPictures - pixabay.com In the U.S. alone, 3.2 billion pounds of bananas are consumed every year, according to…

7 years ago

Air Pollution Found To Radically Increase Stress Hormones And Alter Metabolism: Is This Why So Many City Dwellers Have Health Issues?

Photo - JuergenPM - pixabay.com Living in the city has a lot of benefits - you have better access to…

7 years ago