
Researchers Have Just Discovered That Belgian Malinois Dogs Can Sniff Out Cancer

image – https://www.youtube.com/embed/8HLcFZNje_w Did you know that there are some dogs that have such an acute sense of smell that…

7 years ago

5 Reasons You Should NEVER Use Canola Oil, Even If It Is Organic

Photo © TY Lim – shutterstock.com Mainstream media has long promoted canola oil as heart healthy and is a good…

7 years ago

12 Super Foods For Preventing Hair Loss

image © Sage Ross – Wikipedia – lic. under CC BY-SA 3.0 Different things contribute to hair loss; it may…

7 years ago

California’s Decision To List Glyphosate As Cancer-Causing Upheld By Courts

Photo – hpgruesen – pixabay.com As of July 7th 2017, the state of California, in a landmark move, has decided…

7 years ago

Can Poor Sleep Lead To Alzheimer’s?

Photo © natalielb – fotolia.com Poor sleep could be doing damage to your brain; a new study has shown. Researchers…

7 years ago

Being Forgetful Might Actually Make You Smarter, Study Says

Photo © decade3d – fotolia.com The combination of intelligence and forgetfulness is an area of research that continues to puzzle…

7 years ago

Amish Girl Who Fled United States To Escape Forced Chemotherapy Is Now Cancer-Free

Photo © jarun011 – fotolia.com There are many amazing stories of people having cured of cancer using holistic approaches and…

7 years ago

Coconut Oil Slammed By AHA – But Is It Good Or Bad?

image 1 & 2 - StockSnap;mcstewartt - pixabay.com In 2017 the American Heart Association (AHA) released a news report that…

7 years ago

7 Natural Home Remedies For Menstrual Cramps

Photo – © Antonioguillem – fotolia.com The word “dysmenorrhea” often strikes fear (or, at the very least, incites a flinch)…

7 years ago

Breastfeeding Mothers Have Lower Chance Of Heart Disease And Stroke

A wealth of evidence is available suggesting the short-term health benefits provided by breastfeeding to mothers and their babies. Breast…

7 years ago