
You’ve Been Throwing Away The Healthiest Part Of Your Avocado

You've Been Throwing Away The Healthiest Part Of Your Avocado. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Photo © AdobeStock 95004807 (under license) From…

8 years ago

This Drink Is A Medicine For More Than 60 Diseases, Also Kills Parasites And Supports Balanced Blood Sugar

photo © ThamKC - fotolia.com The natural world is full of plants with an astonishing variety of health benefits. Much…

8 years ago

New Study Warns: Tobacco Kills Two Out Of Three Smokers

New Study Warns: Tobacco Kills Two Out Of Three SmokersGraphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Cigarette image © kotoyamagami - fotolia.com (under license)…

8 years ago

New Study: Soda Shortens Your Lifespan By 5 Years

image © gumpapa - fotolia.com We often use soda’s links with obesity and cardiovascular and endocrine diseases to support claims…

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Pay Up! Monsanto Found Guilty Of Chemical Poisoning In France

image © - Wikipedia PD After ending up in a coma, Paul Francois spent 11 years wrestling with chemical manufacturing…

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This Is What Happens To Your Brain When You Check Your Smartphone Before Sleep

image © nito - fotolia.com Several studies have now indicated various potential negative health effects from using mobile phones right…

8 years ago

List Of Plants Found By NASA To Purify Indoor Air Naturally Plus 8 Top Aromatic Indoor Plants

List Of Plants Found By NASA To Purify Indoor Air Naturally. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Photos Pixabay (PD), Kaboompics (PD), ©…

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Top 22 Must-Have Copycat Cleaning Recipes

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5 Of The Most Highly Regarded Natural Antibiotics

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The Ultimate Guide To Naturally Removing Warts, Dark Spots, Blackheads, And Skin Tags

The Ultimate Guide To Naturally Removing Warts, Dark Spots, Blackheads, And Skin Tags. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Photo credits: see foot…

8 years ago