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How To Shrink ENLARGED PROSTATE in 7 Easy Steps

How To Shrink ENLARGED PROSTATE in 7 Easy Steps Graphic © Background image: Shutterstock #1310215855 (under license)

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive Kidney Disease (NIDDK), more than 14 million men in the U.S. have an enlarged prostate. The risk appears to increase as we age—with the prevalence estimated at 50% among men older than 50 and 90% in 80-year-olds. [1]

A healthy prostate is important for all men! But as we age—and due to several risk factors we will discuss in this article—you may experience issues such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which is basically an enlarged prostate.

BPH may lead to unpleasant symptoms that adversely affect a man’s quality of life. And due to the condition’s prevalence, it helps to know the warning signs, the causes, and how to solve the issue. Family physician Ken D. Berry, MD, covers this topic and recommends 7 easy strategies to shrink an enlarged prostate.

Signs Of An Enlarged Prostate

The prostate is a gland in the male reproductive system positioned just below the bladder. It’s responsible for a number of functions, including the production of seminal fluid and hormone metabolism. [2][3]

Due to its positioning in the pelvis, an enlarged prostate may squeeze and clamp down on the urethra. This is a tube that empties the bladder during urination. Due to the blockage, it becomes harder to pass urine, and the bladder may be overworked.

Some symptoms of an enlarged or benign prostatic hyperplasia include:

• Urinating frequently, during the day and at night (nocturia)
• Trouble delaying urination 
• An interrupted or weak urine stream 
• Incontinence (leakage or accidental urination) 
• Urinary retention and difficulty starting a urine stream 
• Incomplete emptying of the bladder and dribbling at the end of a stream 
• Pain during urination or after ejaculation 
• Urine with an odd smell or color 
• Urinary tract infections

People with an enlarged prostate may not always experience these symptoms. But if you do, it’s advisable to talk to your doctor for a proper diagnosis.

Causes Of An Enlarged Prostate

Most men will develop an enlarged prostate in their lifetime. Aside from age, other risk factors for BPH include family history, inactivity, and obesity. [4][5][6]

And according to Dr. Berry, hyperinsulinemia (high insulin) may be a significant risk factor for BPH that doesn’t get enough attention. He references several studies that show a link between hyperinsulinemia and an increased risk of an enlarged prostate. [7][8][9][10][11]

But how does insulin affect the prostate gland? One mechanism may be through the stimulation of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1).

High insulin levels may stimulate the increased production of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) in the liver. IGF-1, in turn, promotes the enlargement of the prostate. Elevated insulin may also reduce the synthesis of insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3), which has inhibitory effects on growth. [12]

7 Steps To Shrink An Enlarged Prostate

Making healthy diet choices can help improve the health of your prostate. Dr. Berry argues that eating right is a simple and effective way to shrink an enlarged prostate. Some strategies to manage symptoms and the progression of BPH include.

1. Avoiding Sugar

We’ve seen that hyperinsulinemia may trigger enlargement of the prostate. So it only makes sense to lower your insulin level to reduce the risk of this happening. And in that case, cutting sugar from your diet should be the first thing on your agenda.

Whether it’s added sugars or fructose (natural sugar in honey and fruits)—Dr. Berry recommends avoiding all types of sugar. Research shows that a diet high in sugars may lead to a spike in insulin levels. [13][14][15][16]

2. Avoiding Grains

Still on the idea of reducing insulin levels to manage an enlarged prostate, it might be important to watch your intake of grains. Most studies point to refined or processed grain products such as pasta, rice, and white bread as significant risk factors for increased insulin levels. [17][18][19][20] But Dr. Berry adds whole grain foods such as wheat and oats to this list since they’re also converted into sugar.

3. Avoiding Soy

Soy contains phytonutrients known as isoflavones. They resemble estrogen, the female sex hormone— and are thought to mimic the effects of human estrogen to some degree. And by potentially increasing the level of estrogen in the male body, the compounds may inhibit testosterone production. [21]

According to some studies, the increase in estrogen and decrease in testosterone from soy consumption may play a role in promoting the enlargement of the prostate. [22][23][24][25]

4. Avoiding Low-Fat Dairy

An intake of full-fat dairy—and not low-fat—may reduce your risk of high insulin levels and help manage your enlarged prostate symptoms. And while research is conflicting on the effects of dairy on insulin levels, several studies show a connection. [26][27][28]

5. Avoiding Vegetable Seed Oil

The issue with vegetable seed oils is that most of them appear to have high omega-6 content. This includes sunflower oil, corn oil, soybean oil, rice bran oil, and cottonseed oil. A high intake of omega-6 may contribute to an increased risk of chronic inflammation—and potentially prostate enlargement. [29]

It’s worth noting that omega-3s found in fatty fish may positively affect hyperinsulinemia and BPH by reducing insulin levels. [30][31][32]

6. Eating a Low Carb Diet Such as Keto

Again, your eating habits play a key role in managing an enlarged prostate. In this case, it’s the diet plan you follow. Several studies suggest that lower-carb diet plans such as keto, Atkins, and the Mediterranean diet effectively increase insulin sensitivity and lower insulin levels. [33][34][35]

7. Intermittent Fasting

In a nutshell, intermittent fasting involves allocating specific hours for fasting and eating within the day. It’s mostly pushed for its potential weight loss benefits—but some studies indicate that intermittent fasting may also be effective at reducing your insulin levels. [36][37]

Other Ways To Shrink An Enlarged Prostate

In addition to the 7-step dietary strategy by Dr. Berry, several supplemention solutions may offer relief for an enlarged prostate. Some common options include saw palmetto, beta-sitosterol, pygeum, stinging nettle, and rye grass pollen extract. [38][39][40][41][42]

Dr. Berry concludes by insisting that BPH is a gradual process that takes years to develop. As such, don’t expect instant results from implementing his 7-step remedy or supplementation; this too will be a gradual process.



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