This document lists the steps taken by This Website ( in order to achieve GDPR compliance:
Read and the full text of the very complicated 261-page GDPR legal document (available here ) DONE
Upload latest compliance roadmap (this page right here) viewable from all website pages. DONE
Update privacy policy. DONE
Update cookie policy. DONE
Provide way for visitor to view the cookies used. ( DONE
Create and send privacy and information security tutorial to virtual assistants, training them in best practices for making sure info stays secure; make sure they have all read and signed. DONE
Change Youtube embed code on all web pages that contain Youtube videos and put in new code that has the 'enhanced privacy' option from Youtube selected, that uses DONE
Study and implement best Adsense practices for not sending Personally Identifying Information: DONE
Replace method="get" with method="form" on all websites (for example in search boxes) and in all code on backup versions of sites. DONE
Deleted Facebook tracking pixels and custom audiences completely DONE
Delete Google Analytics and replace with non-PII-tracking Analytics which are privacy-focused. DONE
Update all Aweber forms to clarify what is being consented to and give clear instructions on how to opt out either using unsubscribe link or manual request. DONE
Remove Facebook "like" plugin from all pages ("If you embed a Facebook like button and Facebook loads their scripts into YOUR site then it is YOUR responsibility to make sure Facebook is compliant with the law.") (wow) DONE
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