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5 Key Health Benefits Of Turmeric And Curcumin

5 Key Health Benefits Of Turmeric And Curcumin.
Graphic © Turmeric image – Simon A. Eugster (Wikipedia) lic. under CC3.0

Turmeric, also called Indian Saffron or golden spice, is a bright yellow colored spice that is most commonly used in Indian and Southeast Asian dishes, especially curries. The bright orange/yellow turmeric powder and its whole root, which somewhat resembles that of ginger, is the root of the turmeric plant that grows in Asia and Central America.

Turmeric has been used for centuries by herbalists, in ayurveda and by ‘natural healers’ for its medicinal properties to address issues like breathing problems, inflammation, and wound healing. Curcumin is the active ingredient that is found in turmeric and this component has in fact been studied scientifically in very great depth for its beneficial health effects. Here are a few of the many health benefits attributed to turmeric, as reported by scientific studies:

1. Cardiovascular Support:Turmeric and curcumin improve cardiac health by supporting healthy cholesterol levels. A review of controlled trials has found that turmeric intake can lower total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL. [1] It also has been found to improve the endothelial function.

2. Anti-Diabetic: According to a review of multiple studies, curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, has been scientifically established as valuable in the treatment and prevention of diabetes. [2] Curcumin can favorably affect insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, and islets apoptosis and necrosis.

3. Anti-Inflammatory: Curcumin has strong anti-inflammatory properties that have even reported by researchers to match some drugs without any side effects. It blocks the NF-KB, a molecule that activates the genes related to inflammation in the nuclei of the cells.

4. Hepatoprotective: Turmeric protects from liver damage due to its antioxidant properties that stop the liver from being damaged by toxins. It can be very helpful for people like diabetic patients who take drugs for a long time that can damage their liver.

5. Wound Healing: Turmeric also improves wound healing by decreasing inflammation and oxidation. Curcumin stimulates the production of growth factors that speed up the wound healing process. [3] It positively affects the tissue and collages as well, thus resulting in wound healing quickly.

Learn more:

How To Make Turmeric Pain Relief Tea

Study Finds Turmeric Better At Treating Depression Than Prozac


[1] Qin, S., et al., Efficacy and safety of turmeric and curcumin in lowering blood lipid levels in patients with cardiovascular risk factors: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Nutrition journal, 2017. 16(1): p. 68.

[2] Zhang, D.-w., et al., Curcumin and diabetes: a systematic review. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2013. 2013.

[3] Tejada, S., et al., Wound healing effects of curcumin: A short review. Current pharmaceutical biotechnology, 2016. 17(11): p. 1002-1007.

Here’s our video on the health benefits of turmeric:

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By Mike Westerdal CPT

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