Amazing Health Benefits Of Walnuts

Amazing Health Benefits Of Walnuts
Photo – © Anerma – Walnuts in hand image ©

Walnuts are not only delicious they are also immensely rich in nutrition. These brown, crunchy nuts are among the best sources of protective nutrients from B vitamins to omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins E and more. Encased in a hard shell that resembles the human brain, walnuts are considered as a superfood that plays an important role in improving an individual’s health. Check out the phenomenal health benefits offered by walnuts below.

Benefits Of Walnuts For Hair

1. Dandruff Treatment

Diluted walnut oil is commonly used to treat dandruff due to its anti-fungal properties. The antifungal activity of walnuts was confirmed by a study [1] published in 2008 by the Journal Food and Chemical Toxicology. The study focused on the bioactive properties of six walnuts against bacteria and fungi.

2. Hair Growth Promotion

You can nourish your hair by applying walnut oil on your scalp and massaging it into your hair roots. Walnut oil contains iron, zinc, and copper, [2] all of which are essential for the growth of healthy hair.

3. Prevention Of Hair Loss

Walnuts [3] are rich in biotin or vitamin B7 which helps prevent hair fall and strengthen your hair follicles. They also contain omega-6 fatty acids which are used as supplements [4] to reduce hair loss.

Benefits Of Walnuts For Skin

4. Treatment Of Acne

Extracts from walnut leaves are used to get rid of acne-causing bacteria from your skin. The antimicrobial activity of walnut leaf extracts against the development of acne lesions was proven by an Iranian study [5] conducted in 2005.

5. Facial Scrub

Use ground walnuts to remove old damaged skin to improve the texture of your skin. The mild abrasive effect of ground walnut can help make your skin supple and smooth. For rough areas such as elbows or heels, walnut shell powder is highly recommended.

6. Prevention Of Wrinkles

Walnut oil has moisturizing and scavenging properties that help protect your skin from the effects of aging. This oil has the potential to achieve a youthful and blemish-free skin. Walnuts contain a compound called polyphenols [6] which have antioxidative properties.

Benefits Of Walnuts For Health

7. Improvement Of Heart Function

Walnuts’ omega-3 fatty acids [7] are very beneficial to the reduction of inflammation and prevention of plaque buildup in the heart. An amino acid called l-arginine also offers multiple vascular benefits to people with heart disease.

8. Help Prevent Cancer

Nutrients like omega-3 fatty acid, phytosterol, and antioxidants are all found in walnuts. These not only may help prevent the growth of tumors but also have the potential to reduce the risk of developing breast [8] and prostate cancers.

9. Improvement Of Arthritis Symptoms

Again, walnuts’ omega-3 fatty acid content is responsible for reducing inflammation in the body. Research [9] published in the journal American Family Physician revealed the ability of omega-3s in reducing morning stiffness and the number of tender joints in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

10. Induce Better Sleep

Melatonin is the hormone responsible for bringing you to sleep. Walnuts are one of the foods that are rich in melatonin [10] – meaning that they may help you fall asleep faster and better if eaten in the evening.

11. Diabetes Protection

Researchers from Yale University [11] found out the link between regular consumption of walnuts and improvement in blood flow in diabetes sufferers. They also discovered that a diet high in walnuts could reduce a diabetic patient’s cardiac risk.

12. Support Brain Health

Vitamin E, folate, melatonin, omega-3 fats, and antioxidants are neuroprotective compounds that are vital to brain health and are all found in walnuts. These antioxidants prevent nerve damage caused by free radicals. According to a 2009 study, [12] greater intake of high-antioxidant foods such as walnuts has the potential to enhance cognitive and motor function in aging.

13. Improved Metabolism

Walnuts provide minerals such as manganese, copper, potassium, calcium, iron, and selenium. Metabolic activities including growth and development, digestion, and sperm generation are all aided by these minerals. A study revealed the effects of daily ingestion of walnuts on the weight loss of obese [13] people.

14. Mood Booster

Lack of omega-3 fatty acids has been linked by studies to hyperactivity, irritability, and tantrums. One study [14] showed the ability of walnuts to improve the mood of non-depressed healthy young males.

15. Boost Sperm Quality

In 2012, a study discovered that association between the addition of walnuts to Western-style diet and improved quality of semen [15] in men. This was achieved due to the omega-3 and alpha-linolenic acid contents of walnuts.


[1] Pereira JA et al. 2008. Food and Chemical Toxicology. Bioactive properties and chemical composition of six walnut (Juglans regia L.) cultivars.

[2] Zuzanna Sabina Goluch-Koniuszy. 2016. Nutrition of women with hair loss problem during the period of menopause.

[3] Roger Sigler. 2011. Our LONG HAIRitage: Bringing Peace and Health to Your Head.

[4] Emily L. Guo and Rajani Katta. 2017. Dermatology Practical & Conceptual. Diet and hair loss: effects of nutrient deficiency and supplement use.

[5] Qadan F et al. 2005. The American Journal of Chinese Medicine. The antimicrobial activities of Psidium guajava and Juglans regia leaf extracts to acne-developing organisms.

[6] Scalbert A, Williamson G. 2000. The Journal of Nutrition. Dietary intake and bioavailability of polyphenols.

[7] Feldman EB. 2002. The Journal of Nutrition. The scientific evidence for a beneficial health relationship between walnuts and coronary heart disease.

[8] Vandel Heuvel JP et al. 2012. Nutrition and Cancer. Mechanistic examination of walnuts in prevention of breast cancer.

[9] Covington MB. 2004. American Family Physician. Omega-3 fatty acids.

[10] Reiter RJ et al. 2005. Applied Nutritional Investigation. Melatonin in walnuts: Influence on levels of melatonin and total antioxidant capacity of blood.

[11] Yingying Ma et al. 2010. Diabetes Care. Effects of Walnut Consumption on Endothelial Function in Type 2 Diabetic Subjects.

[12] Joseph JA et al. 2009. The Journal of Nutrition. Grape juice, berries, and walnuts affect brain aging and behavior.

[13] Katz DL et al. 2012. Journal of the American College of Nutrition. Effects of walnuts on endothelial function in overweight adults with visceral obesity: a randomized, controlled, crossover trial.

[14] Peter Pibris. 2016. Nutrients. Effects of Walnut Consumption on Mood in Young Adults—A Randomized Controlled Trial.

[15] Robbins WA et al. 2012. Biology of Reproduction. Walnuts improve semen quality in men consuming a Western-style diet: randomized control dietary intervention trial.

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