Strawberry – Conventional vs Organic

Strawberry – Conventional vs Organic. Graphic © Strawberry photos – Pixabay (PD) STRAWBERRY – Conventional vs. Organic Conventional: Ingredients: Strawberry, Captan, Pyraclostrobin, Tetrahydrophthalimide, Myclobutanil, Pyrimethanil, Fludioxonil, Bifenthrin, Malathion, Fenhexamid, Cyprodinil, Carbendazim, Malaoxon, Azoxystrobin, Methomyl, Quinoxyfen, Fenpropathrin, Acetamiprid, Propiconazole, Bifenazate, …

Since 1997 FDA Has Allowed Food Manufacturers To Self-Certify

Since 1997 FDA Has Allowed Food Manufacturers To Self-CertifyGraphic © Photo – Pixabay (PD) Did You Know? … since 1997, the FDA has allowed food manufacturers to self-certify that their own food additives are safe, and then use those …

Sedentary Behavior Such As Prolonged Periods Of Television Viewing

Sedentary Behavior Such As Prolonged Periods Of Television Viewing. Graphic © Photo – Pixabay (PD) Did You Know? Sedentary behavior, such as prolonged periods of television viewing, sitting, and lying down, is a risk factor for developing chronic conditions, …

If It Came From A Plant

If It Came From A PlantGraphic © Photos – Pixabay (PD) “If it came from a plant, eat it. If it was made in a plant, don’t.” – Michael Pollan A good rule of thumb. Agree? Oh; and if …

I Think We Need To Take Back Our Language

I Think We Need To Take Back Our LanguageGraphic © Photo – Pixabay (PD) “I think we need to take back our language. I want to call my organic carrots ‘carrots’ and let (other farmers) call theirs a chemical …

Our Animal Population Declined 58% Between 1958 And 2012

Our Animal Population Declined 58% Between 1958 And 2012Graphic © Photo – Pixabay (PD) Did You Know? According to the World Wildlife Fund, our animal population declined 58% between 1970 and 2012, and we’re on the edge of a …

How To Grow Herbs In Jars

How To Grow Herbs In JarsGraphic © Photo © Shutterstock (under license) Here’s a great video tutorial on how to create a herb garden – using free materials you probably already have! 🙂 You can use mason jars or …

One Hectare In The Peruvian Amazon

One Hectare In The Peruvian Amazon. Graphic © Photo © Shutterstock 128451140 (under license) One hectare in the Peruvian Amazon has been calculated to have a value of: • $6820 if sustainably managed for fruits, latex, and timber. • …

Honey And Cinnamon For Colds

Honey And Cinnamon For ColdsGraphic © Photos – Pixabay (PD) Honey & Cinnamon For Colds: Did you know: a teaspoon of honey (local+raw is best) and a 1/4 teaspoon of real cinnamon may help knock out a cold within …

Not So Long Ago Humans Lived In Harmony With Nature

Not So Long Ago Humans Lived In Harmony With Nature. Graphic © Background photo – Pixabay (PD) “Not so long ago humans lived in harmony with nature. We did not need the use of chemicals, poisons, and altered genetics …

Natural Pest Control Cheat Sheet

Natural Pest Control Cheat SheetGraphic © Insect illustrations – Pixabay (PD) Natural Pest Control Cheat Sheet: Ants: Peppermint Essential Oil Aphids: Peppermint, Sandalwood, White Fir Bed Bugs: Lavender Beetles: Peppermint, Thyme Caterpillars: Peppermint Chiggers: Lavender, Lemongrass (aka Citronella), Thyme …