Vitamin K2: The Forgotten Vitamin

Vitamin K2: The Forgotten Vitamin. Infographic © Photo sources – see foot of article It is common knowledge that for us to be healthy we should observe good nutritional practices. However, when it comes to our knowledge about vitamins …

Playing A Musical Instrument Can Protect Brain Health

image 1 – congerdesign – image 2 – nightowl – Advances in neuroscience have enabled researchers to study the beneficial effects of music on the brain. However, there is a limited understanding of the deeper reasons why music …

Can Coffee, Tea Protect The Liver From Bad Diet?

image 1 – Free-Photos – image 2 – Line-tOodLinGfc – Tea and coffee have been part of world culture for hundreds of years. Despite existing for so long, the popularity of both beverages never waned, but instead continues …

Sweet Potato Found To Inhibit Colon & Lung Cancer In Vivo

Sweet Potato Found To Inhibit Colon & Lung Cancer In Vivo. Graphic © 1 © Dr 방원장 – Wikipedia – lic. under CC-BY-4.0. Image 2 © Llez – Wikipedia – lic. under CC-BY-SA-3.0 Some varieties of potatoes have shown …

Eating Fried Potatoes Linked To Higher Risk Of Death, Study Says

Eating Fried Potatoes Linked To Higher Risk Of Death, Study Says. Graphic © Photo – Pixabay (PD) What we eat and how it’s cooked are important factors that affect our nutrition and consequently our overall health. It’s been established …

Chili Pepper’s Painkilling Mechanism Uncovered

Photo – Hans – Chili peppers are one of the most commonly used spices in the world. The heat provided by chili peppers is the main reason why many add the spicy fruit to their meals – however, the …

Amazing Health Benefits Of Walnuts

Photo – © Anerma – Walnuts in hand image © Walnuts are not only delicious they are also immensely rich in nutrition. These brown, crunchy nuts are among the best sources of protective nutrients from B vitamins to …

13 Cooling Home Remedies For Sunburn

Infographic – Photo sources – see foot of article Going out for a swim, whether on the beach or in your pool, is a fun way to enjoy your summer. However, if you’re not careful, getting exposed to the …

9 Best Natural Deodorants That Actually Keep You Stink Free

9 Best Natural Deodorants That Actually Keep You Stink Free. Graphic © Photo sources – see foot of article Deodorants are alcohol-based consumer products classified by the U.S. Food and Drugs Administration as cosmetics. They were invented to prevent …

12 Natural Home Remedies For UTI Pain & Discomfort

Photo – © Free-Photos – UTI – urinary tract infection – is a painful infection that commonly manifests with the urge to void frequently and with an intense burning sensation when urinating. This occurs more often in women but …