7 Science-Supported Ways To Boost Your Happiness

7 Science-Supported Ways To Boost Your Happiness. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Cat pic – Pixabay (PD) People in the USA alone spend an average of $550 million on self-help books and $1 billion on motivational speakers in a year, with the …

Top 10 Worst Toxic Chemicals Found In Your Home

Graphic – herbshealthhappiness.com Shower curtain photo – Wikipedia – lic. under CC 2.0. Due to the advance of the industrialized world, having a home free from artificial chemicals may be next to impossible in this day and age. A list …

Top 10 Natural Remedies For Bronchitis

Top 10 Natural Remedies For Bronchitis. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Photo – Pixabay (PD) Bronchitis is a pulmonary disease that often happens when an individual is exposed to cold temperatures or wet environments for prolonged periods of time. When left untreated, …

Herbal Alternatives For Migraine Relief

Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com Photos – Wikipedia 1 2 – lic. under CC 2.5 Nobody likes having a migraine and the severe pain it brings, not to mention the possible inconvenience that can ruin an almost perfect day. Migraine is a …

Top 7 Foods To Prevent Gout

Infographic – herbshealthhappiness.com photo sources – see foot of article Have you ever been jabbed with hundreds of minute white-hot needles? I hope not, but that’s how people suffering from gout often describe the pain. The joints in some acute …

Garlic Kills Brain Cancer Cells Without Side Effects

Garlic Kills Brain Cancer Cells Without Side Effects. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Photo – Pixabay (PD) EDITOR NOTE: This post was the subject of a FALSE fact check (May 2023) that stated (without even reading our article, written by a medical …

Microplastics In The Seas Now Outnumber Stars In Our Galaxy

Photo – Fotolia.com © ead72 It’s time to take our oceans back: The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) just launched an unprecedented global campaign aimed at ridding our oceans of plastic pollutants. They are urging everyone to stop the use …

Top 12 All-Natural Flu Fighting Foods

Infographic © herbshealthhappiness.com. For photo credits see foot of article As science continues to evolve and technology continues to improve human lives, there is one thing that has persistently stumped the medical community – influenza. “The flu” is a seasonal …