The Truth About Probiotics (Free Full Report)

The Truth About Probiotics Graphic © Background Illustration – Pixabay (PD) Should you take probiotics? Increase your expertise on this important topic with our full length free tutorial! History of Probiotics According to a report by Harvard University, there …

How To Do Intermittent Fasting – Complete Guide

How To Do Intermittent Fasting – Complete Guide Graphic © Background image: Shutterstock #1036153894 (under license) Intermittent fasting has been a trendy topic in health circles for a while. If you’ve heard the buzz around this eating pattern but …

3 Natural Remedies To Grow Back Receding Gums (Science Supported!)

Graphic © Background images: Shutterstock 93462385 (under license), Pixabay What Are Receding Gums? Receding gums are a common dental condition involving the gradual pulling back of gum tissue from the tooth surface, exposing the tooth’s root. This can lead …

10 Alarming Warning Signs You Already Have Dementia

10 Alarming Warning Signs You Already Have Dementia Graphic © Background photo: Pixabay (PD) According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 55 million people live with dementia around the globe, and nearly 10 million new cases are reported annually. …

The Top 5 High Estrogen Foods to Avoid – Dr Josh Axe

The Top 5 High Estrogen Foods to Avoid – Dr. Josh Axe Graphic © Background photo: Pixabay (PD) The Body’s Natural Hormonal Balance Hormonal health is integral to our well-being. Unfortunately, some of the products we use and consume …

Don’t Take These Supplements If You Are Over 50

Don’t Take These Supplements If You Are Over 50 Graphic © Background photo: Pixabay (PD) Nutrient Gaps And Supplements It turns out that as we transition into our golden years, so should our supplements and medications. Nutrient gaps tend …

The 5 Best Foods To Clean Out Your Arteries

The Best Foods To Clean Out Your Arteries Graphic © Background image: AdobeStock #31677497 (under license) What Are Clogged Arteries? Arteries are the largest blood vessels in the body. They are the most critical part of your cardiovascular system. …

10 Prediabetes Signs You MUST Know Before It Is Too Late

10 Prediabetes Signs You Must Know Before It Is Too Late Graphic © Photos: Pixabay (PD) Diabetes Facts Diabetes is a global epidemic. It is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality all over the world, with …

11 Best Anti-Aging Foods (Plus 6 Extra Anti-Aging Tips)

11 Best Anti-Aging Foods (Plus 6 Extra Anti-Aging Tips) Graphic © Broccoli Pic: Pixabay (PD) Beauty Starts Deeper Than Skin Deep When most people think of “anti aging” they think immediately of skin care – however if you are …

How Much Fruit Is Too Much Fruit

How Much Fruit is Too Much Fruit? Graphic © Background photo: Pixabay (PD) Fruit And Health Fruit intake has long been associated with a healthy diet and healthy lifestyle choices. However, is there a healthy limit to how much …