12 Plants For Your Bedroom To Help You Sleep

12 Plants For Your Bedroom To Help You Sleep
Image Β© Jason Stitt – shutterstock.com

Getting a good night’s sleep is very important for us in order to have an alert mind and a sharp attention. It restores energy, reduces stress, and improves overall mood. Also during sleep, the body produces cells that grow and repair the nerve cell insulation in our brain, leading to better memory retention. [1] Poor sleep quality has been associated with reduced memory performance.

Having enough sleep has also been found to reduce the risk of developing serious health problems. Whenever you’re deprived of sleep, your immune system is weakened – which makes you more prone to disease. Six to eight hours of sleep is generally considered the best amount of time for adults, with six hours often being regarded as the “critical minimum, without which undesirable health effects can be produced. [2]

Interestingly, there are a wide variety of plants that are thought to be able to help you improve the quality of your sleep. A study in Japan found that plants play a big role in physiological relaxation and immune recovery. [3]

Here are 12 plants to try for your bedroom:

1. Lavender: This herb is a very common ingredient in soaps and shampoos, plus it is frequently used in baths due to its calming and soothing fragrance. Lavender has also been used as a treatment for insomnia, anxiety, depression, and fatigue. In old times lavender flowers were placed under pillows or near beds for this reason. Placing a potted lavender plant on your nightstand may help you sleep comfortably at night. [4]

2. Gerbera Daisies: While most plants’ respiratory cycle decrease at nighttime, gerbera daisies continue to release oxygen throughout the night which is helpful for those who are suffering from sleep apnea and breathing disorders. [5]

3. Peace Lily: If you want a plant that brings a relaxing fragrance to your room and purifies the air at the same time, the peace lily is the perfect plant for you. Its large leaves filter benzene, trichloroethylene, and other harmful pollutants. [5]

4. Bamboo Palm: Not only do bamboo palms naturally rid the air of toxins and repel spider mites that attack plants, they also provide much-needed moisture in the air during the winter months when the air is dry. [5]

5. Jasmine: Placing a potted jasmine plant in your room not only adds beauty to your space, but its scent can also reduce anxiety, provide relaxation, and improve the mood. The blooms and the odor of the jasmine may help you achieve better sleeping patterns and reduce your stress. [6]

6. Aloe Vera: This succulent plant is extremely easy to grow, plus it also clears out toxic agents in the air that could harm your body and make it difficult for you to sleep. Place one in your bedroom window where it can get much-needed sunlight. [7]

7. Spider plant: The spider plant came out as a winner in tests and was found to filter carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and other solvents in the air from the rubber and leather objects in your room. It can also survive with minimal maintenance, but make sure to place them where there is bright, indirect sunlight. [8]

8. Snake plant: It’s regarded as an excellent plant for purifying the air from formaldehyde, which is commonly off-gassed from all manner of consumer products from plywood to carpets. As with other plants, this plant also releases oxygen at night, which may have health benefits. [8]

9. Golden Pothos: Golden pothos is also considered good in fighting off formaldehyde and it doesn’t need constant watering – just place it somewhere with indirect sunlight. However, it’s a poisonous plant so you may wish to avoid this one if you have children or pets. [8]

10. English Ivy: This plant has been reported to reduce airborne fecal-mater particles and toxins, which may mitigate some of the effects of sick building syndrome. Keep the soil moist and place it in sunlight for four hours or more per day if possible. [8]

11. Valerian: The root of the valerian plant contains a natural sedative and it has been used since old times as a tea for relieving insomnia and anxiety. However, research shows that having the plant nearby may also enhance sleep quality by virtue of its scent. [9]

12. Gardenia: Gardenia contains crocetin, a compound which helps in improving the quality of sleep. It requires more maintenance than most plants in order to keep its flowers intact. [10]


[1] Sleep Produces Cells that Grow and Repair Nerve Cell Insulation. https://med.wisc.edu/news-events/sleep-produces-cells-that-grow-and-repair-nerve-cell-insulation-/41696

[2] Mercola, J. 2010. Want a Good Night’s Sleep? Then Never Do These Things Before Bed. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/10/02/secrets-to-a-good-night-sleep.aspx

[3] Miyazaki, Y. et al. 2014. Forest medicine research in Japan. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24858508

[4] Lavender. https://umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/herb/lavender

[5] Mao, S.N. 2012. 4 Plants to Clean Your Air Quality. https://doctoroz.com/blog/mao-shing-ni-lac-dom-phd/4-plants-clean-your-air-quality

[6] WJU Professor and Students Find Jasmine Odor Leads to More Restful Sleep, Decreased Anxiety and Greater Mental Performance. https://wju.edu/about/adm_news_story.asp?iNewsID=539&strBack=/about/adm_news_archive.asp

[7] NASA Clean Air Study. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NASA_Clean_Air_Study

[8] Knapp, J. 2016. 15 Houseplants for Improving Indoor Air Quality. https://mnn.com/health/healthy-spaces/photos/15-houseplants-for-improving-indoor-air-quality/spider-plant

[9] Komori, T. et al. 2006. The sleep-enhancing effect of valerian inhalation and sleep-shortening effect of lemon inhalation. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16857858

[10] Kuratsune, H. 2010. Effect of crocetin from Gardenia jasminoides Ellis on sleep: a pilot study. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20537515

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