Alarm As 44% Of Bee Colonies Reported DEAD In ONE Year

Alarm As 44% Of Bee Colonies Reported DEAD In ONE Year
image © Skinkie – Wikipedia – lic. under CC-PD-ZERO-1.0

Recent news on the ongoing problem of bee colony collapse disorder has been bad: The Bee Informed Partnership (, in collaboration with the Apiary Inspectors of America (AIA) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), recently released numbers for the honey bee die-off: Beekeepers lost an average of 44 percent of their colonies in the 2015-2016 winter season – even more than the year prior. [1] Other research out this year indicates that native bee numbers are also in decline.

This is serious news – but the pesticides widely held to be responsible for this catastrophe are still legal. People are however waking up and an astonishing reaction – 4 million signatures were delivered to the EPA this week at their headquarters – one of the largest environmental petition responses ever.

The question you must be asking by now is obvious: What’s stopping the EPA from taking action?

Answer: The pesticide industry.

The pesticide industry will do everything in its power to protect its profits. We know the EPA is hearing from Bayer, Syngenta, and other major agro-chemical companies that spend millions of dollars on PR campaigns to shift the blame away from pesticides – despite an overwhelming body of research linking pesticides to bee declines.

The tide is starting to turn but the lobby is powerful tell EPA to stop dragging its feet and take strong action on bee-killing pesticides and protect pollinator species.

In January, the EPA finally acknowledged that one neonicotinoid, imidacloprid, poses risks to honey bees. The EPA is also assessing the impact of the chemical glyphosate and its toxicity to monarchs from residues in milkweed (the only food young monarch butterflies eat—and a necessary component to their survival).

The EPA is starting to listen to the strong body of independent science because activists have drawn attention to it. But nothing the EPA has done so far will do enough to address the bee-toxic pesticides currently on the market.

Read the full report and sign the petition from the Center For Food Safety: ==>
Click here to tell the EPA: Protect the bees, not the pesticide industry!


[1] Colony Loss 2015-2016: Preliminary Results.

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