Health Benefits Of Lysine

Graphic © Lysine is an essential amino acid responsible for a variety of biological processes related to receptor affinity, protease-cleavage points, and nuclear structure and function. It is also involved in the retention of endoplasmic reticulum, chelation of heavy …

Health Benefits Of Methionine

Graphic © Methionine is an essential amino acid with numerous important roles in human cellular metabolism; it participates, for example, in the synthesis of proteins and polyamines and in the methylation of DNA. Along with cysteine, it is the …

Health Benefits Of N-Acetyl-Cysteine

Graphic © Have you heard of N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC)? What about glutathione? It turns out that these little-known chemicals play a vital part in our overall health. The amazing benefits of N-acetyl-cysteine range from brain health, fertility, respiratory health, to …

Health Benefits Of Phenylalanine

Graphic © Phenylalanine is a hydrophobic essential amino acid with a benzyl side chain; as its name suggests, it is a derivative of alanine, another amino acid. Being an essential amino acid entails that phenylalanine cannot be biosynthesized by …

Health Benefits Of Tryptophan

Graphic © Among the amino acids that should never be left out in your “to-have” diet list is tryptophan – and for very logical reasons. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid responsible for a wide range of metabolic functions, …

Health Benefits Of Tyrosine

Graphic © Tyrosine is a hydrophobic non-essential amino acid assuming numerous biological roles in the body, the most vital perhaps being as a precursor of hormones and neurotransmitters and as a key player in the production of a variety …

Health Benefits Of Valine

Graphic © Valine is a nonpolar proteinogenic amino acid with stimulant activities and wide applications in pharmaceutical and food industries. It is part of a trio, along with leucine and isoleucine, of branched-chain amino acids that comprise approximately 70% …

Heart Attack vs. Cardiac Arrest – Do You Know The Difference?

Infographic – Photo sources – see foot of article People often confuse cardiac arrest and heart attacks due to the similarities in the names and symptoms. Both conditions cause millions of deaths every year, with an increasing incidence driven …

Feeling Depressed? An AVOCADO May Be Just What You Need

Graphic © Food plays a big part in mental health, studies have shown that omega-3, vitamin-B, vitamin-D, amino acids, and different minerals such as zinc, magnesium, and iron play a key role in good mental health. [1] Avocado is …

Are Mitochondria The Key To Life Extension?

Are Mitochondria The Key To Life Extension?Graphic © Illustrations © Shutterstock 1289399143 1289399170 (under license) If you learned anything from high school biology class, it’s this: the mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell. Basic biology dictates that cells …