What A Hunter-Gatherer Diet Does To The Body In Just Three Days

What A Hunter-Gatherer Diet Does To The Body In Just Three Days. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Photo © Shutterstock (under license) Could eating like our caveman ancestors make us healthier? [1] Many experts say that modern humans should consider eating the …

The Best And Worst Forms Of Magnesium To Take As Supplements

The Best And Worst Forms Of Magnesium To Take As SupplementsGraphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Periodic table image – Clker-Free-Vector-Images ; table of food – FotoshopTofs – pixabay.com (under license) What Is Magnesium And Why Is It Important? Magnesium is an essential …

Snail Slime Skin Creams Becoming Popular In The United States

Photo © HQuality – shutterstock.com If you aren’t into beauty and lifestyle, you probably don’t know that the hotbed of innovative technology in skincare is Asia — specifically countries like Korea and Japan. One surprising innovation is the use of …

Should You Eat Three Big Meals Or Many Mini-Meals?

Photo – leeroy – lifeofpix.com Is there an ideal meal frequency to optimize weight loss and to promote metabolism? This is one of the most widely debated topics in the nutritional world. Conventional wisdom suggests the need to eat smaller …

Should We Be Buying Iodized Salt?

Photo – LoggaWiggler – pixabay.com The World Health Organization emphasizes the importance of the iodization of salt in order to prevent and control iodine deficiency disorders. However, with the changing times and the accessibility of iodine-rich food even in far …

New Study Busts Myth: Menstruation Does Not Affect Your Brain

Photo – jill111 – pixabay.com A woman’s monthly period is often described as a harrowing battle involving hormones, which are closely tied to the emotions. This effect is used to explain the sudden mood swings and irritability experienced by women …

Neurotics Live Longer, Study Says

Photo – DigiPD – pixabay.com Before the term was removed from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual in 1994, “neurosis” was considered a mental disorder. However, the stigma attached to the words neurosis and neurotics exists even until today. While the …

Natural Remedies For Adrenal Fatigue

Natural Remedies For Adrenal Fatigue. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Photo sources – see foot of article I. What Is Adrenal Fatigue? The adrenals are essential components to your overall health status. When these glands function below the necessary level, you are …