7 Health Benefits Of Oil Pulling (With Tutorial)

7 Health Benefits Of Oil Pulling. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Background images – Adobe Stock (under license) Oil pulling is an ancient ritual rooted in Ayurvedic medicine. It involves swishing a tablespoon of edible oil in your mouth for around twenty …

More Fruits And Veggies Can Slash Obesity Odds

More Fruits And Veggies Can Slash Obesity Odds. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Background photo – Pixabay (PD) The European Congress on Obesity was held recently in Porto, Portugal – and a Spanish study reaffirmed the importance of pro-vegetarian diets in providing …

Mindful Eating – Suddenly, You Have Power Over Food

Photo © switchpipi – fotolia.com Buddhist teachers encourage their students to use meditation as a way to appreciate the sensation and purpose of each morsel of food they eat. This technique has been adopted by modern culture and is popularly …

Mediterranean Diet’s Anti-Aging Effect Can Be Seen On DNA

Mediterranean Diet’s Anti-Aging Effect Can Be Seen On DNAGraphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Photo © Shutterstock (under license) After analyzing 41 years worth of data, researchers have now discovered that the benefits of the Mediterranean diet go well beyond the scope of …

How To Naturally Repel Ticks And Fleas For Humans And Pets

How To Naturally Repel Ticks And Fleas For Humans And Pets. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Photo sources – see foot of article Fleas and ticks are found throughout much of the world. They can be a year-long concern in warm areas. …

How Long Until It’s Gone?

Infographic – herbshealthhappiness.com The amount of waste produced by humans is millions of tons per year. The term “human footprint” is defined as the impact of humans on our environment – specifically how much of the Earth’s natural resources we …

How Your Body Rebuilds Itself In Less Than 365 Days

How Your Body Rebuilds Itself In Less Than 365 Days. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Photo sources – see foot of article The human body is a well-oiled machine capable of innumerable astonishing functions. One of the awesome abilities our body has …