You Can Tell Which Animal By The Tracks They Leave Behind

Images – pixabay (PD), Wikipedia Commons (lic under CC 3.0). Graphic – Cue David Attenborough voice… “Here, on the beaches of planet Earth, we see telltale signs of the various inhabitants: Footprints left in the sand, indicating that they …

Do Parabens Cause Breast Cancer? New Research And Safety Tips

Photo – © Alliance – What Are Parabens?: In the beauty community, there is a word that has become feared over the past several years – Parabens. These chemical compounds are used primarily for their bactericidal and fungicidal properties. …

Study Finds Turmeric Better At Treating Depression Than Prozac

Photo – ©akepong – Depression is a disease that affects an estimated 350 million people all over the world. The World Health Organization reports that over 800,000 people die each year because of depression, with suicide being the second …

List Of The 38 Countries That Have Now Banned GMOs

Image © Africa Studio – Genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, are a group of plants, animals, and bacteria which are engineered for various applications, from agricultural production to scientific research. [1] While the only food products in the market …

15 Shocking Facts About Your Burgers And Milk

image – Due to rising human population and common farming / eating practices, livestock production has also been increasing to keep the food industry supplied with animal products. This action has had serious environmental impact: global warming, environmental pollution, …

20 Ways Stress Harms The Body Plus Top 10 Foods To Reduce Stress

Infographic © Photo sources: see foot of article Stress is a feeling of tension whenever we are under pressure, and it is the body’s natural response to the stressors in our environment. [1] Many things can trigger stress, including …

FDA: Don’t Use Spray Sunscreens On Children

Photo © wavebreakmedia – There are many sunscreens available in the market today in varying forms, such as lotion, gel, powder, and spray. However, Consumer Reports has advised to discontinue the use of spray sunscreens on children due to …

Amazing Health Benefits Of Seeds And Nuts

Infographic © Image sources: see foot of page Edible seeds differ in sizes and come from various types of plants, but they all have one thing in common: they are highly packed with vitamins, minerals, proteins, enzymes, and healthy …