You’ve Been Throwing Away The Healthiest Part Of Your Avocado

You’ve Been Throwing Away The Healthiest Part Of Your Avocado. Graphic © Photo © AdobeStock 95004807 (under license) From salad dressing and salads to dips and sandwiches, avocados have been enjoyed in countless dishes for years as we take …

New Study Warns: Tobacco Kills Two Out Of Three Smokers

New Study Warns: Tobacco Kills Two Out Of Three SmokersGraphic © Cigarette image © kotoyamagami – (under license) We’ve all heard the blip “smoking is bad for your health”, but how bad is bad? Here’s a hard fact …

New Study: Soda Shortens Your Lifespan By 5 Years

image © gumpapa – We often use soda’s links with obesity and cardiovascular and endocrine diseases to support claims on its negative effects on health. Sweetened beverages’ high glucose and fructose content can cause an increase in fat deposition …

Top 22 Must-Have Copycat Cleaning Recipes

Top 22 Must-Have Copycat Cleaning Recipes. Image sources – see foot of page This is crazy: Did you know that under the Federal Hazardous Substances Act, manufacturers are not required to list all ingredients of household cleaners? If you are …

5 Of The Most Highly Regarded Natural Antibiotics

5 Of The Most Highly Regarded Natural Antibiotics. Graphic © Image 1 &2 – pixabay(PD); image 3 – (PD); image 4 © Thomas Then – Wikipedia – lic. under CC-BY-SA-3.0 The first chemical compound with antibiotic properties to …