How To Make Your Own Amazing Organic Raw Chocolates

How To Make Your Own Amazing Organic Raw Chocolates
How To Make Your Own Amazing Organic Raw Chocolates. Graphic © Background photo © Adobe Stock #46451620 (under license)

This healthful, natural recipe uses natural substitutes for sugar and is super nutritious as well as delicious!

Making your own raw chocolate is an amazing culinary experience – fun, surprisingly easy and will fill your kitchen with tantalizing aromas. Home made chocolates make an amazing gift for your sweetheart, friends or family….. if you can manage to resist eating them all first!

To make the chocolates organic (which we think is a brilliant idea) obviously make sure the ingredients you are using are organic.

Note: – Agave nectar has come under recent criticism for its high glycemic index and the fact that is is often very processed! For a good natural sugar, try coconut nectar instead – lower GI and unprocessed.

Additives And Custom Variations For Your Raw Chocolates

Custom is the way to go: There are many things you could add to the chocolate for fantastic flavors and/or nutritional benefits.


• Dried fruit – goji berries, cranberries, blueberries, acai, figs etc.

• Crushed coffee beans

• Maca

• Sea salt

• Coconut

Hazelnuts, almond, walnuts or other nuts


• A few drops of (must be “food grade”) oils/essences i.e. orange oil, peppermint, lemon, rose. Never use any oil that is considered “not to be taken internally” (i.e most essential oils are off limits)

Cinnamon, dried lavender or other culinary spices

• Herbal tinctures (Rhodiola, Damiana etc)

To get really fancy, here are some further possibilities to explore. There’s really no limit to the creative possibilities:

1. Different layers or centers. You could also blend up different “darknesses” by varying the ingredients – and even swirl them together.

2. You could also explore different shapes: I researched “chocolate molds” on amazon and sure enough, you can find them in an astonishing variety of shapes and sizes.

3. Different textures – for smooth chocolates, use powdered additives: Nuts can be crushed or left whole; dried fruit chopped to varying fineness depending on the desire result.

Here, then is the excellent full raw chocolate recipe from our friends over at Indigo herbs.

Have fun making (and eating) your own chocolates, and let us know your favorite additions and tips in the comments!

Article: Alex N

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