Sugar Is KILLING You – The Most Important Nutrition Video You Will Ever See

Sugar Is KILLING You - The Most Important Nutrition Video You Will Ever See

I can’t possibly overemphasize the importance of this amazing nutrition lecture from Dr. Robert Lustig of the UCSF Division of Pediatric Endocrinology. This isn’t a sales pitch – it’s a university lecture. I’m really not exaggerating by stating that this might be the most important nutrition video you will EVER watch.

The video (below) is 86 minutes and gets technical in places, but stick with it, even if some of it goes over your head – because the “bigger picture” that emerges is a game-changer. Honestly, if you watch this video 3 times through it will be the best investment in your health that I can imagine right now. You will learn everything you need to know about why obesity and diabetes are spiraling out of control in modern times. To put it plainly – Dr. Lustig has nailed it. Years of painstaking research has led to a coherent picture that shows direct causality between added sugar consumption and metabolic syndrome.

The research has indicated plainly: Added sugar is the enemy – not fat, not the natural sugar in “real food”. Dr. Lustig comes out guns blazing against big food and their greedy tactics to get you to keep shoveling in the junk food… even if it costs you your life.

Did you know (I was shocked) that 50% of the sugar you consume is “hidden” in foods that didn’t used to have sugar added? For example – salad dressings, yogurt, tomato sauce, condiments, crackers… even some brands of smoked salmon now have added sugar! It’s insane… so why is it done? Easy – because it is legal, masks the taste of inferior grade processed ingredients, makes you buy more and makes you eat more.

The amount of sugar we eat is staggering. We now eat seventeen times as much sugar as we did 200 years ago. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the average American consumes 156 pounds of added sugar per year. And the biggest culprit of all? Regular soft drinks.

Refined sugar is now linked to: Obesity, Hypertension, High blood pressure, Hypoglycemia, depression, headaches, fatigue, nervous tension, aching limbs, Diabetes, acne, skin irritation, stiffening of arteries, violent behavior, tooth decay and cancer.

Another thing I really liked about this video is that Dr. Lustig torches the “old paradigm” that people are overweight because they are “just lazy”, indolent or slothful – and explains clearly how the leptin/insulin negative cycle triggered by excess fructose fools the body into thinking that it is starving even when the person is overeating.

He also gives the best explanation that I have ever heard/seen about how alcohol harms the body and leads to addiction. He further explains how caffeine, added to sugared food, creates the “perfect storm” conditions for an addictive cycle and metabolic disorder.

Just watch the video. We’re not trying to sell you anything here…

Check out this infographic also:

nursing your sweet toothInfographic created by:, lic. under Creative Commons.

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The #1 Muscle That Eliminates Joint And Back Pain, Anxiety And Looking Fat

By Mike Westerdal CPT

Can you guess which muscle in your body is the #1 muscle that eliminates joint and back pain, anxiety and looking fat?

This is especially important if you spend a significant amount of time sitting every day (I do, and this really affects me in a big way!)

Working this "hidden survival muscle" that most people are simply not training because no-one ever taught them how will boost your body shape, energy levels, immune system, sexual function, strength and athletic performance when unlocked.

If this "hidden" most powerful primal muscle is healthy, we are healthy.


Is it...

a) Abs

b) Chest

c) Glutes

d) Hip Flexors

Take the quiz above and see if you got the correct answer!

P.S. Make sure you check out this page to get to know the 10 simple moves that will bring vitality back into your life:

==> Click here to discover which "hidden survival muscle" will help you boost your energy levels, immune system, sexual function, strength and athletic performance permanently!

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One thought on “Sugar Is KILLING You – The Most Important Nutrition Video You Will Ever See

  1. This is all great but people who have a sugar addiction like myself needs info and references on how to get help and how to get over this addiction. There is a plethora of this type of information everywhere but no where can you find sugar addiction specialist or doctors or nutritionalist or anyone that can help me get off of this. We need help the people who want to get off of sugar

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