10 Simple Rules For Better Health

10 Simple Rules For Better Healthgraphic © herbshealthhappiness.com

The mission to stay healthy is a never-ending one. There are many external factors that affect our health and personal choices that increase our risk of becoming sick. However, the most important weapon we have against disease is to make healthy lifestyle choices. Incorporate these ten rules into your life and become the healthiest version of yourself!

#1: Less Alcohol, More Tea

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, some intake of alcohol isn’t necessarily a bad thing. However, heavy or “binge” drinking gives rise to different health risks and problems. Then what is considered as “low-risk drinking”?

– For women, low-risk drinking is having 3 drinks per day at the most, but not more than 7 drinks in a week.
– For men, low-risk drinking is having 4 drinks per day at the most, but not more than 14 drinks in a week.

Numerous studies have also linked alcohol consumption to a variety of health problems, the most notable being liver disease. The liver is responsible for filtering our blood which is why it is the hardest hit when a person drinks too much alcohol. A study published in 2014 that focused on population data over 71 years linked increased alcohol consumption and increased incidence of liver disease. Another study also linked alcohol consumption with an increased risk for heart disease, specifically ischemic stroke and intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). That study found that moderate to heavy alcohol consumption leads to an increased risk of both stroke and ICH. [1][2]

Instead of alcohol, opt for tea instead! Tea is a great source of antioxidants, especially black and green tea. The antioxidant properties of green tea can be attributed to its high polyphenol content. Antioxidants help fight against a variety of chronic diseases like hypertension and diabetes to cases of cancer. Tea has also been found to have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and neuroprotective abilities which also contribute to the battle against disease. [3][4]

#2: Less Meat, More Vegetables

While meat is an important part of your diet because of its protein content, the intake of red meat has been associated with several negative health risks. According to Carvalho, et. al. in 2015, high meat intake a predisposes a person to cardiovascular disease and cancer –caused by an increase in oxidative stress in the body. Other studies linked red and processed meat intake with an increased risk of breast and colon cancer. [5][6][7]

The US Department of Agriculture encourages people to eat at least two to three cups of vegetables in a day. This is not without merit, as vegetable intake has been associated with numerous positive health benefits rooted primarily in risk reduction for disease. High vegetable intake improves the body’s metabolism and reduces cholesterol levels, inflammation, oxidative stress, and adhesion. This relates primarily to the claims that eating vegetables can prevent heart disease, hypertension, certain cancers, and metabolic disorders like diabetes. [8][9]

#3: Less Salt, More Vinegar

Salt is a big no-no for people suffering from heart disease, kidney disease, and hypertension. The primary component of table salt is sodium, an electrolyte that causes drastic increases in blood pressure in the body. This because sodium causes a build-up of fluid in our blood vessels, causing high blood pressure or hypertension. This can cause severe damage to the heart and kidneys, as fluid overload and hypertension cause damage to delicate blood vessels in the kidneys and heart. [10][11]

Instead of using salt to flavor your food, opt for a healthier option instead – vinegar. Vinegar is a natural antibiotic and antioxidant, currently popular as a “morning cleanse” using apple cider vinegar. Studies on vinegar have found that it is able to reduce post-prandial glucose levels by improving the body’s insulin response. This suggests vinegar can play a big role in regulating the body’s metabolism and reducing the risk for diabetes. [12][13]

#4: Less Sugar, More Fruit

With everything being processed in today’s food industry, it has become difficult to find food that is truly sugar-free. Sugar content found in most food products are not naturally-occurring sugar (such as those found in fruits) but industrially manufactured sweeteners. You can find this kind of sugar in SSBs – or sugar-sweetened beverage. SSBs have been directly linked to the development of type 2 diabetes. [14]

To fulfill your body’s need for sugar, fruit is a better option! Because the sugar content of fruits is naturally occurring, it is highly bioavailable. Unlike the glucose from SSBs and junk food which builds up as fat, sugar from fruits is used readily by the body. A study in 2015 has found that fruit intake is linked with a decreased risk for heart disease. The USDA recommends eating at least 1 ½ to 2 cups of fruits per day. [15][16]

#5: Less Eating, More Chewing

Overeating contributes to a slew of problems, unhealthy weight gain being one of them. Even after a full meal, people are often struck by hunger, which leads to snacking, and intake of excessive calories. A nice tip to remember to avoid this is To chew your food thoroughly. This helps reduce food intake, makes you feel fuller, and allows your body to digest food better – end result: reduced risk for weight gain. [17]

#6: Less Words, More Action

Promises and plans to exercise remain just like that – as promises and plans – without any actual work done. So talk less and exercise more! Exercise is a great way to boost your heart health. The cardiovascular benefits of exercise focus on improving your heart’s stamina and the blood flow through your body’s vessels, allowing better cellular and tissue oxygenation. The American Heart Association recommends a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise a week – that’s just half an hour each day for five days! [18][19]

#7: Less Greed, More Giving

When we talk about health, we always think of its physical component and forget about emotional and mental well-being. Sharing your blessings is a great way to socialize and reach out to other people. Not only are you helping others but you are also helping yourself. In older adults, social interaction is now actually regarded as a way to diminish the risk of mental health issues like dementia and Alzheimer’s. [20]

#8: Less Worry, More Sleep

Avoiding stress and quality sleep is an important part of keeping healthy. Stress and sleep deprivation has been linked to a weak immune system, which increases your risk for disease. A study found that exposure to stressful situations and sleep deprivation weakens the body’s immune response and therefore the ability to protect itself from disease. [21]

#9: Less Driving, More Walking

Save the earth (and your health!) by opting to walk instead of driving. You can even add this to your total exercise minutes at the end of the week since walking is considered a form of cardiovascular exercise. Walk to work or the supermarket and get your heart pumping! You will notice better stamina, energy levels, and even weight loss with regular exercise.

#10: Less Anger, More Laughter

Happiness is one of the best ways to stay healthy. Anger is a deadly emotion and reduces your quality of life by causing anxiety and even depression. Studies have found that this unhealthy emotion even has effects on physical health, causing problems with metabolism and cardiovascular function. This suggests that prolonged feelings of anger can lead to a metabolic syndrome or a heart problem. Perform calming exercises or work off some steam through exercise to get your anger under control.


[1] Jiang, H., et. al. (2014). Alcohol consumption and liver disease in Australia: a time series analysis of the period 1935-2006. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24052533

[2] Jones, S., et. al. (2015). Midlife Alcohol Consumption and the Risk of Stroke in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26405203

[3] Hayat, K., et. al. (2015). Tea and its consumption: benefits and risks. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24915350

[4] Cooper, R. (2012). Green tea and theanine: health benefits. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22039897

[5] Carvalho, A., et. al. (2015). High intake of heterocyclic amines from meat is associated with oxidative stress. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25812604

[6] Guo, J., Wei, W., & Zhan, L. (2015). Red and processed meat intake and risk of breast cancer: a meta-analysis of prospective studies. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25893586

[7] Steck, S., et. al. (2014). Nucleotide excision repair gene polymorphisms, meat intake and colon cancer risk. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24607854

[8] US Department of Agriculture. What foods are in the Vegetable Group? https://choosemyplate.gov/vegetables

[9] Pasman, W., et. al. (2013). Nutrigenomics approach elucidates health-promoting effects of high vegetable intake in lean and obese men. https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3755133/

[10] American Heart Association. Sodium and Salt. https://heart.org/HEARTORG/HealthyLiving/HealthyEating/Nutrition/Sodium-and-Salt_UCM_303290_Article.jsp

[11] National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease. https://niddk.nih.gov/health-information/health-communication-programs/nkdep/a-z/nutrition-sodium/Pages/nutrition-sodium.aspx

[12] Johnston, C. & Buller, A. (2005). Vinegar and Peanut Products as Complementary Foods to Reduce Postprandial Glycemia. https://sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0002822305012228

[13] Ostman, E., et. al. (2005). Vinegar supplementation lowers glucose and insulin responses and increases satiety after a bread meal in healthy subjects. https://nature.com/ejcn/journal/v59/n9/abs/1602197a.html

[14] Teshima, N., et. al. (2015). Effects of sugar-sweetened beverage intake on the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus in subjects with impaired glucose tolerance: the Mihama diabetes prevention study. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25994135

[15] United States Department of Agriculture. What foods are in the Fruit Group? https://choosemyplate.gov/fruit

[16] Lai, H., et. al. (2015). Fruit intake and cardiovascular disease mortality in the UK Women’s Cohort Study. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26076918

[17] Smit, H., et. al. (2011). Does prolonged chewing reduce food intake? Fletcherism revisited. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21316411

[18] American Heart Associate. Physical activity improves quality of life. https://heart.org/HEARTORG/HealthyLiving/PhysicalActivity/StartWalking/Physical-activity-improves-quality-of-life_UCM_307977_Article.jsp

[19] Wilson, M., Ellison, G., & Cable, N. (2015). Basic science behind the cardiovascular benefits of exercise. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25911667

[20] Alzheimer’s Association of America. Lifestyle choices – Socialization. https://alzprevention.org/lifestyle-choices-about-socialization.php

[21] Ibarra-Coronardo, E. (2015). Sleep deprivation induces changes in immunity in Trichinella spiralis-infected rats. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26157345

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The #1 Muscle That Eliminates Joint And Back Pain, Anxiety And Looking Fat

By Mike Westerdal CPT

Can you guess which muscle in your body is the #1 muscle that eliminates joint and back pain, anxiety and looking fat?

This is especially important if you spend a significant amount of time sitting every day (I do, and this really affects me in a big way!)

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c) Glutes

d) Hip Flexors

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