8 Leafy Greens for Smoothies and Juices
Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Img sources – see foot of article
8 Leafy Greens for Smoothies And Juices:
1. Red Leaf Lettuce:
Inexpensive, milder flavour, vitamin & mineral packed
2. Kale
High in vitamin C, A, and iron & calcium
3. Dandelion Greens
Great for detoxing liver and kidneys; diuretic. Vitamin A, C, E, K
4. Swiss Chard
Slightly salty flavour; rich in vitamin K, A & C
5. Spinach
Good source of vitamins A, B6 and C
6. Romaine
Neutral tasting; contains vitamins A, C, & calcium
7. Bok Choy
Bitter asian green; high in vitamin A, C, K, & Iron
8. Arugula
Excellent source of vitamin A, C, B, and calcium
Learn More:
8 Science-Supported Reasons Why You Should Eat More Spinach
How To Make Your Own Amazing Kale Chips
40+ Amazing Things To Do With Dandelions
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The #1 Muscle That Eliminates Joint And Back Pain, Anxiety And Looking Fat
By Mike Westerdal CPT
Can you guess which muscle in your body is the #1 muscle that eliminates joint and back pain, anxiety and looking fat?
This is especially important if you spend a significant amount of time sitting every day (I do, and this really affects me in a big way!)
Working this "hidden survival muscle" that most people are simply not training because no-one ever taught them how will boost your body shape, energy levels, immune system, sexual function, strength and athletic performance when unlocked.
If this "hidden" most powerful primal muscle is healthy, we are healthy.
Is it...
a) Abs
b) Chest
c) Glutes
d) Hip Flexors
Take the quiz above and see if you got the correct answer!
P.S. Make sure you check out this page to get to know the 10 simple moves that will bring vitality back into your life:
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