11 Signs Of Iron Deficiency And The 10 Best Foods To Fight It

Amazing Facts About Iron graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Food images – Wikipedia lic. under CC (see foot of article for full license info) Iron deficiency (sideropenia or hypoferremia) is widely regarded as the world’s most common nutritional deficiency. [1] Iron is …

Top 20 Foods Rich In Vitamin B1

Top 20 Foods Rich In Vitamin B1Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Img sources Creative Commons – see foot of article All About Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) Vitamin B1, or thiamine, is a water-soluble vitamin belonging to a group of vitamins, known as B …

Top 10 Strange Natural Remedies For Split Ends

Top 10 Strange Home Remedies For Split EndsGraphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Img sources – see foot of article During normal wear and tear, splitting of the hair shaft occurs – this is known as “split ends”. Is there a way for …

Red Wine And Health (Free Full Report!)

Red Wine And Health (Free Full Report!)Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Photo – Pixabay (PD) I. History Of Medicinal Use Of Wine Red wine has a long history of use – not only for social occasions but also in medicine. The medicinal …

9 Essential Facts That No-One Is Telling You About Atrazine

Graphic @ HH&H. Photo © narongcp – fotolia.com All the talk these days is about Roundup but there’s another herbicide that you really should learn about: Atrazine. Have you heard of it? Many haven’t. Here are some basic facts you …

Amazing Uses Of Apple Cider Vinegar

Infographic – herbshealthhappiness.com Apple cider vinegar photo – Bragg There are tons of ways to add the benefits of ACV to your life. In this article, we have compiled fifteen of the most amazing uses of this very versatile item. …

13 Foods That Fight Pain (With Scientific References)

Infographic – herbshealthhappiness.com Photo sources – see foot of article According to the National Center for Health Statistics, one in every four Americans have suffered from pain lasting more than 24 hours and there are millions more that suffer from …

10 Migraine Triggers Plus 10 Herbs That May Help

Infographic – herbshealthhappiness.com Photo sources – see foot of article According to research done by the Migraine Research Foundation, over 39 million men, women, and children in the US experience migraines — and that number totals to over 1 billion …

Top 25 Peppermint Oil Uses And Benefits

Top 25 Peppermint Oil Uses And Benefits. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Image 1 © Rawf8 – fotolia.com. Image 2 – strecosa – pixabay.com Peppermint Essential Oil is derived from the famous aromatic herb that has been part of both ancient and …