12 Foods That Fight Inflammation

12 Foods That Fight Inflammation. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Image sources – see foot of article. Inflammation is an important immune response that helps protect the body from harm and fight pathogens. However, it can get out of control (chronic inflammation) …

Probiotics: A Science-Supported Antiviral “Secret Weapon”

Image – Pixabay (PD) Scientific Studies Have Shown That Probiotics Reduce Pneumonia 25% In Critically Ill Patients. So, Why Is The Media Silent On This Potentially Life Saving Information? While probiotics – aka the “good bacteria” – are associated by …

How Soap Kills The Coronavirus

Plain old soap and water absolutely annihilate coronavirus. You’ve been told a thousand times: wash your hands to stop the spread of COVID-19. But why does this work so well? It has to do with the way the soap molecules …

Health Benefits Of Arginine

Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com Arginine is a semiessential amino acid whose indispensability sets in when critical illness and severe trauma occur; adults can produce this amino acid through the biosynthetic pathway, although its consumption from diet is still imperative to sustain …

Don’t Ask Why Healthy Food Is So Expensive…

Don’t Ask Why Healthy Food Is So Expensive. Ask why junk food is so cheap. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Don’t Ask Why Healthy Food Is So Expensive. Ask why junk food is so cheap. Learn More: 10 Cancer-Causing Foods You Should …

How To Make Probiotic Lemonade

Graphic – herbshealthhappiness.com Photo © shutterstock.com (under license) When it comes to flavor and refreshment, nothing beats a cold glass of fresh homemade lemonade. Store-bought brands are often filled with sugar, preservatives, and artificial flavoring. So when it comes to …

Broccoli Extract Shows Promise For Type 2 Diabetes

Graphic – herbshealthhappiness.com Image sources – see foot of article Type 2 Diabetes is a global epidemic affecting over 422 million people worldwide. With numerous complications ranging from blindness, kidney failure, stroke, and amputations, it is more than a blood …

Dr. Steven Gundry Reveals Ultimate Breakfast Recipe

Dr. Steven Gundry Reveals Ultimate Breakfast Recipe Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com Background photo: Pixabay (PD) You’ve probably heard that you should “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.” The phrase by Adelle Davis—an American …

Science: Wheat Spikes Your Blood Sugar More Than A Can Of Soda

Image – Ketobreads.net Did you know that wheat – including so-called “healthy” whole wheat – spikes your blood sugar more than almost any other food… even when the same number of carbs is consumed? That’s because 75% of the carbohydrates …

Top 10 Metabolism-Killing Foods To Start Avoiding NOW

Top 10 Metabolism-Killing Foods To Start Avoiding NOW Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com Background Pics – Pixabay (PD) Metabolic Syndrome Is A Very Dangerous Thing Marketing of food products often paints a picture in the mind of consumers that is disconnected from …