How Essential Oils Enhance Your Well-Being

How Essential Oils Enhance Your Well-Being. Graphic © Essential oils photo © AdobeStock 52333950 (under license) Aromatherapy is the practice of using natural plant oils for improving the physical well-being of a person. These aroma-producing oils come from flowers, …

Mega List Of 30 Herbs Found Beneficial For High Blood Pressure

Mega List Of 30 Herbs Found Beneficial For High Blood Pressure. Graphic © Image sources – see foot of article Hypertension (HTN), aka high blood pressure, is a chronic medical condition that has been associated with a high-salt diet, …

10 Insane / Weird Home Remedies You Probably Never Knew About

10 Weird Home Remedies You Probably Never Knew About. Graphic © Image sources – see foot of article These easy and surprising natural remedies could save you from spending on pricey modern medicines… just don’t get caught by your …

Science: Spirulina Halts 85% Of Breast Cancer In Vivo

Photo © mama_mia, (under license) Spirulina is a not a new discovery in the world of medical advancements. Studies reported on the nutritional value of Spirulina as early as the 1960’s, however in recent times further potential health benefits …

8 Health Benefits Of Tea

Infographic – Tea fermentation pic – Wikipedia (PD) Coffee is great for keeping you awake, but sometimes the caffeine is too much for some people. You might have noticed that many people who embark upon a healthy lifestyle usually …

Global Distribution Of Genetically Modified (GM) Crops

Infographic – Genetically modified crops are being grown by approximately eight million farmers in twenty-eight countries around the world. Nearly three dozen countries ban or prohibit their cultivation. Such bans received significant attention in 2015 when majority of the …

Glyphosate Implicated In Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemic

Images – Pixabay (PD) Chronic kidney disease or CKD is a condition characterized by loss of kidney function, persisting for more than six months (conditions that are shorter than six months are called acute). People can get sick with CKD …

Top 10 Foods Naturally High In Dietary Fiber

Infographic © Photo credits – see foot of article. Dietary fiber includes all of the plant-based foods you ingested that your body can’t digest or absorb. [1] Also known as roughage or bulk, your body can’t absorb it like …

What Happens To Your Body If You Take Too Many B Vitamins?

Infographic © – vitamin photo Pixabay (PD), anaphylaxis photo Wikipedia lic under CC3.0 An old saying that still rings true today is “too much of anything is bad for you”. This applies to the things we eat, our habits, …

Nutrient Deficiency Facts

Infographic © – photos lic under Creative Commons; see foot of article When Hippocrates, the father of medicine, said “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”, he was absolutely right. This statement still rings true today: …