10 Easy Tips To Manage Anxiety At Home

Top 10 Easy Home Remedies For Anxiety. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Image sources: see foot of page Anxiety is a part of life – but it should only occur related to occasional events. Anxiety on a daily basis or anxiety that …

Surprising Facts About Your Pulse

Surprising Facts About Your Pulse. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Images: Pulse Evaluation © Pia von Lützau – Wikipedia – lic. under CC-BY-SA-3.0; Heart Rate Monitor – Wikipedia (PD) Because the heart is located in the chest, assessing its condition non-invasively seems …

Top 10 Foods That Reduce Stress

Top 10 Foods That Reduce Stress. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Image sources: see foot of page Stress is a factor that is now widely agreed to contribute to different diseases and health conditions. Studies have found that stress is one of …

You Could Have 15kg Of Toxins Hidden In Your Bowels

image © yodiyim – fotolia.com Your colon’s job is to eliminate the waste from your body. But while your colon ensures that your body is at an optimum health, have you ever wondered if the colon itself is free of …

The Death Of The Bees Explained: Parasites, Poison And Humans

image – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GqA42M4RtxE This is a great 6-minute educational video and we had to share. Bees are still dying in masses. Many don’t understand the significance of this – until you realize that one-third of all food humans consume is …

Please Pick Up Your Fcking Trash

Images – pixabay (PD), Wikipedia Commons (lic under CC 3.0). Graphic – herbshealthhappiness.com I left my home country in 2001 and lived overseas for 17 years, returning in 2018. What I saw shocked me. It never used to be like …

10 Super Homemade Insecticides And Bug Repellents

image – pixabay.com (CC0) Insecticides are used in most homes, businesses, and farms to control pests, including weeds, fungi, rodents, and even microbial organisms. However, inappropriate use of insecticides can lead to adverse effects to humans and the environment. Exposure …

13 Signs Of Menopause Plus 13 Helpful Herbs

Infographic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Image sources: see foot of page Just like the start of menstruation during puberty, menopause is a normal part of every woman’s life. It’s the time when your menstrual period ends permanently and you are no longer …