7 Best Foods For Stronger Bones

7 Best Foods For Stronger Bones. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Knee image © royalstockphoto – fotolia.com (under license) You could be suffering from low bone density without even knowing it. Hormonal changes, lifestyle, and the food we eat all affect our …

How Alcohol Attacks The Brain

How Alcohol Attacks The Brain. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Photo © AdobeStock 45007360 (under license) In low doses, say a few beers or a few shots of liquor, alcohol is a mild depressant. It causes relaxation and in others, even euphoria …

Do You Know The Difference Between Underactive And Overactive Thyroid?

Do You Know The Difference Between Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism?Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Herbal images – Wikimedia commons (see foot of page for sources) Check out this chart and list of underachieve and overactive thyroid symptoms – and try not to get …

6 Troubling Signs You Need More Water

6 Troubling Signs You Need More Water. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Photo © AdobeStock 57954146 (under license) Your body simply cannot function properly if it is dehydrated – and the more dehydrated you are, the more problems will occur. All throughout …

How To Remove Uric Acid Crystallization In Joints

How To Remove Uric Acid Crystallization In Joints. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Illustration © AdobeStock 74442059 (under license) It’s common to hear complaints of joint pain and difficulty walking as a person ages. But why do you think this happens? In …

10 Health Warnings Your Fingernails May Be Sending

Graphic design © herbshealthhappiness.com. Photo – wikipedia – lic. under GFDL When thinking about health, people don’t usually think of nails as an important marker. However, changes in the growth, shape, texture, and color of the nails can indicate that …

7 Top Tips To Fight Brain Aging

7 Top Tips To Fight Brain Aging. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Photo © Shutterstock 115798375 (under license) If the brain is damaged, the rest of the body cannot function properly; creating problems in breathing, circulation, and digestion, to name a few. …

Why I Kicked My Keurig To The Curb

image © Eat Local Grown (with permission) It’s a well-known fact that if you use any kind of machines for food / beverage preparation, they need to be cleaned thoroughly so as to stop the spread of pathogens. You wouldn’t …

10 Cancer-Causing Foods You Should Avoid

10 Cancer-Causing Foods You Should Avoid. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Illustration © RAJ CREATIONZS – shutterstock.com (under license) The food we eat has the ability to affect our health in very big ways – for better or for worse. Eat too …