FDA-Registered Lab Finds Alarming Levels Of Glyphosate In Major Food Brands

FDA-Registered Lab Finds Alarming Levels Of Glyphosate In Major Food Brands
Infographic – herbshealthhappiness.com Info – foodbabe.com

In the United States, glyphosate was deemed safe for public use in 1974 and since then has been applied on crops by farmers. The most popular product that contains glyphosate as a main ingredient is Roundup, a product made by Monsanto. It is marketed not only towards farmers, but also heavily promoted towards people who have gardens at home. However, glyphosate, may not be as safe as the marketing claims suggest. Different studies have actually linked this herbicide to cancer and other health problems. [1]

According to a 2013 study published by Thongprakaisang, et. al., glyphosate caused the growth of breast cancer cells in humans. Glyphosate was found to be an “endocrine-disruptor”, meaning it has detrimental effects on the body’s hormones, specifically on estrogen. High levels of estrogen is known to cause hormone-dependent breast cancer, where in breast cancer cells multiply and spread in the presence of estrogen. [2]

According to an FDA- registered laboratory, popular American food contained worryingly high levels of glyphosate. Recent evidence suggests that glyphosate can pose a threat to human health at very low levels of 0.1 parts per billion (ppb). The laboratory found that popular snacks sold in most supermarkets had glyphosate levels between 289.47 and 1,125.3 ppb. [3]

Other countries all over the world, specifically the European Union, are more strict regarding glyphosate exposure – with the “safe” limit placed at 0.3 mg per kilogram of body weight per day compared to the US 1.75 mg/kg/bw/day. Here are the values of glyphosate content reported by the laboratory:

General Mills products:
– Original Cheerios: 1125.3 ppb
– Honey Nut Cheerios: 670.2 ppb
– Wheaties: 31.2 ppb
– Trix: 9.9 ppb
– Annie’s cookies: 55.13 ppb

Kellogg’s products:
– Cornflakes: 78.9 ppb
– Raisin Bran: 82.9 ppb
– Organic Promise: 24.9 ppb
– Special K: 74.6 ppb
– Frosted Flakes: 72.8 ppb
– Original Cheez-It: 24.6 ppb
– Whole grain Cheez-It: 36.25 ppb
– Kashi cookies: 275.58 ppb

Nabisco products:
– Ritz crackers: 270.24 ppb
– Triscuit: 89.68 ppb
– Original Oreo: 289.47 ppb
– Oreo Double Stuf Chocolate: 140.90 ppb
– Oreo Double Stuf Golden: 215.40 ppb

PepsiCo products:
– Stacy’s Simply Naked Pita Chips: 812.53 ppb
– Lay’s Kettle Cooked chips: 452.71 ppb
– Doritos Cool Ranch: 481.27 ppb
– Original Fritos: 174.71 ppb

Campbell Soup Company products:
– Goldfish crackers original: 18.40 ppb
– Goldfish crackers colors: 8.02 ppb
– Goldfish crackers whole grain: 24.58 ppb

Other products:
– Little Debbie’s Oatmeal Crème Pies: 264.28 ppb
– Lucy’s gluten-free Oatmeal Cookies: 452.44 ppb
– Whole Foods 365 Organic Golden Round Crackers: 119.12 ppb
– Back to Nature Crispy Cheddar Crackers: 372.22 ppb

As you can see, all these values are well-above 0.1 ppb of glyphosate. You may even have several of these snacks inside your pantry right now. However, don’t assume that other brands are necessarily “clean”. In general, it is to be expected that non-organic products contain traces of pesticides/herbicides.

Remember, these are real results of an actual study by a laboratory – Anresco Laboratories founded in 1943 to ensure food quality.

Because of the demand for low-cost food, many corners have been cut in terms of food production – often in the name of safety. Instead of purchasing these snacks, opt for organic fruits and vegetables instead.


[1] National Pesticide Information Center. Glyphosate. https://npic.orst.edu/factsheets/glyphogen.html

[2] Thongprakaisang, S., et. al. (2013). Glyphosate induces human breast cancer cells growth via estrogen receptors. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23756170

[3] Food Democracy Now! (2016). Glyphosate: Unsafe on Any Plate. https://s3.amazonaws.com/media.fooddemocracynow.org/images/FDN_Glyphosate_FoodTesting_Report_p2016.pdf

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6 thoughts on “FDA-Registered Lab Finds Alarming Levels Of Glyphosate In Major Food Brands

    1. We did. It is in the reference [3] on the article:

      Anresco Laboratories was founded by Dr. Sylvan
      Eisenberg in 1943, with the goal of ensuring food
      quality. Their food safety analyses span a variety
      of areas, including Pesticides, Microbiology and
      Nutritional Labeling. Since 1980, Anresco has been
      focused on pesticide and herbicide testing. They
      perform routine testing on imported samples
      detained by the FDA, samples to be exported,
      as well as domestic samples for many major US
      companies. In addition to foods, they have also
      tested herbal products, water and soil.
      LC/MS/MS is the method used for testing for
      glyphosate levels in food products. LC/MS/MS
      stands for liquid chromatography tandem mass
      spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), which “has been well
      recognized by regulators and scientists worldwide
      as the “gold standard” for both quantification and
      semi-quantitative screening of food contaminants,
      such as pesticide residues.” 29
      Their instrumentation includes Gas Chromatography
      GCMSMS) and Liquid Chromatography (LC-FD, LCUV, LC-RID, LC-MSMS).
      The laboratory is an independent, ISO-17025
      accredited, FDA-registered private laboratory
      headquartered in San Francisco, U.S.A.
      Anresco Laboratories Co-laboratory Director Vu
      Lam says, “We use LC/MS/MS to detect Glyphosate
      and AMPA. With our modifications to various
      methods, we are able to detect many levels of
      contaminants in food products at levels as low as 5
      ppb, and even lower.”

  1. Thank you, and what is the study that was done showing “Recent evidence suggests that glyphosate can pose a threat to human health at very low levels of 0.1 parts per billion (pub).” ?

  2. Are there lab results for alternative organic foods that we assume are healthier? Is there a comparison to show the difference.

  3. Tracie Blackstock: Organic foods, by definition, are free from chemical pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers. That’s what makes them organic.

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