17 Homemade Spice Mix Recipes – And Why You Should Use Them

17 Homemade Spice Mix Recipes And Why You Should Use Them
17 Homemade Spice Mix Recipes – And Why You Should Use Them. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Photo – © Grafvision – Fotolia.com (under license)

Q: When is a spice mix not quite a spice mix?

A: When it is made by “big food” and has all manner of dodgy ingredients added that are NOT SPICES.

Now call me weird, or just old fashioned… but to me, a spice mix should be just that: A mix of spices.

However, just go in the kitchen, and take a look at the ingredient list on “big brand” spices… you might see: Partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, modified food starch, sugar, coloring, MSG (often disguised under a crazy array of other names), silicon dioxide and of course the highly dubious term “Natural Flavorings”.

You don’t even want to know what might be in “Natural Flavorings”. Do you? Because it might include all manner of ingredients – including castoreum for example… and you would never know. Yes, castoreum. If you want to find out what this is (and if you have a strong stomach), click the castoreum link above. Don’t click it if you just had breakfast. I’m sorry. I wish I was making this up. I really do.

Big food, the deal is off. It’s over. From now on, I’m making my own spice mix, using… uhh… spices. I know, call me weird!

So anyway I was delighted when I discovered that Stephanie from “Keeper Of The Home” has compiled a super list of spice mixes that are “the real deal”. Here’s the link to her super page:


Discover the joy of making food using real natural ingredients… a whole wonderful world awaits!

And remember, the spice must flow

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The #1 Muscle That Eliminates Joint And Back Pain, Anxiety And Looking Fat

By Mike Westerdal CPT

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6 thoughts on “17 Homemade Spice Mix Recipes – And Why You Should Use Them

  1. I didn’t find castoreum any worst than an egg! If you stop to really think about what an egg is – the undeveloped ovum of a chicken (unfertilized most of the time but sometimes it has been) and then there is birds nest soup nutritious because the bird’s saliva that is used to make the nest is nutritious. How about ox tongue soup, head cheese, steak n kidney pie. There are many many more. Some cultures eat insects or raw meat. What a wonderful diversity this world has to offer. Love this site and thank you for the info.

  2. Thank you for the very helpful information. I would like to know more about the castoreum please if possible. I refered to google and wikipedia and found some information. Specially as I am very alergic, I want to know more. Thanking you in advance.

  3. I realy love the recipes for diffrant things you post on here is there a book that we can buy with all these tips in ,it would realy be great reading .thank you Brenda .

  4. Good afternoon!
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  5. Great Post!!! I make celery salt. I cut fine 4-5 the white or lighter color celery, about one cup fine cut of leaves, dry in a oven or a few days to dry on a cookie sheet. Must be very dry. Place in a small coffee grinder the dry celery and leaves. Then put about 1/2 cup coarse sea salt in coffee grinder. That cleans your grinder too. Mix and add about 1/2 cup more of coarse salt. If you like a hot taste ,add a little dry red peppers flakes. Great with veggies. Store in a glass canning jar.

  6. So I was making tacos. Grabbed the package of FRONTIER organic taco seasoning, not really thinking when I noticed that it was 60 calories a Tablespoon. I thought “WHY” it’s just spices right? WRONG! Maltodextrin, what are you doing in my taco seasoning?!! So I went looking for a homemade mix and found you. Thanks pal!

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