600 Reasons Turmeric May Be The World’s Most Important Herb

600 Reasons Turmeric May Be The World's Most Important Herb
600 Reasons Turmeric May Be The World’s Most Important Herb. Graphic Β© herbshealthhappiness.com. Image – Jag_cz – Fotolia.com (under license)

We found a simply astonishing page all about Turmeric and had to share! I honestly think it is one of the best pages about a herb I have ever seen (and I’ve seen a fair number!) The link is after our commentary.

There are several things that are amazing about the page we discovered. First – of course – the fact that there is scientific research to support the notion that turmeric may be beneficial for a staggering 600+ conditions. It is one of the world’s most studied items for medicinal potential, with over 4000 scientific studies being recorded overall.

Then there is the fact that the mighty turmeric has been in use for over 6000 years, with an incredible safety record. Note also, the effects of turmeric have been found by scientists to be greatly enhanced when it is taken in combination with black pepper (see our report here – Substance In Black Pepper Increases Bioavailability Of Beneficial Turmeric Compounds by 2000% )

Even more amazing is the way the article weaves a crystal-clear narrative that exposes the farce behind the fact that the modern medical world will perhaps never approve turmeric “officially” for medical use. It explains clearly that “proof” is effectively only purchased by those with very deep pockets (802 million dollars on average is the cost for obtaining a new drug approval). [1] The situation is a complete joke. Turmeric is clearly and obviously one of the most benign and beneficial things in the known universe.

But most amazing of all, to me, was the comment from the man who states calmly that he is one of the world’s longest survivors of the kidney transplant operation (34 years since the op, the world record is 40 years) and he takes capsules of turmeric (and other herbs) daily. Truly inspiring stuff.

The original article is fantastic, electrifying even – and we encourage you to share it far and wide. Here’s the link: https://greenmedinfo.com/blog/600-reasons-turmeric-may-be-worlds-most-important-herb

ps. Don’t forget that we also have a detailed page of our own all about turmeric, with much additional valuable information: Turmeric Information (our page)

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37 thoughts on “600 Reasons Turmeric May Be The World’s Most Important Herb

  1. This is great news…. However, what is the best way to “reap” its benefits? In a drink, on food,….?

  2. Is it practical and safe to capsulize Tumeric yourself to ingest? I don’t care for the taste, so I would rather put it in a capsule to take. I have a friend that puts cayenne pepper in a capsule to take. He purchases the gelatin capsules online.

  3. I have been using this for over ten years now. No join pain of any kind. I stated using it the day the Doc told me I would need knee surgery. It took about two weeks for the pain to stop. Stopped using it and the pain came back after a week. Went back to it and use it, the pain stopped.

  4. Hi Ray, how to take it as capsule then. What capsule. I have similar issue. Looking for some herb medicine.

  5. Make a turmeric tea. It’s really easy to make. You can “google” the recipe. It’s also on Dr. Weil’s website. Just add some honey and lemon juice (to taste) and drink daily. It’s really quite good.

  6. 1/4 teaspoon a day in coffee, tea, oatmeal anything. sprinkle some
    on roasted /steamed vegetables. However you want to take it.
    It has worked wonders for my moms arthritis!

  7. Will tumiric help for liver desease ? Non alchoholoc cirrosis I think what they call it, also vomitting and headaches. How much and how often do I drink it, will tumiric from the food store be ok?
    Thank you

  8. So true,,as a holistic nutritionist, i have used this to treat arthritis, liver disease, boost immunity, cancer treatments, skin and hair,,,no doubt,,its a powerful herb,,and its extract, curcumin, is even more powerful,when used the right way

  9. Yes we use a lot of Tumeric in Persian cuisine and that may be one of the reasons that Persian food is healthy. Just one comment: In your page for “tumeric info” Iran has been referred to as an Arabic country. Would you please correct it to Middle Eastern as Iran has never been Arabic! Thanks

  10. True! Turmeric is great for treating wounds, and also beneficial when ingested. Did you know that some pharmaceuticals even tried to patent the substance? But the Indian government shut it down saying they’ve been using it for 1000s of years like you said. Amazing…

  11. Just be aware tho, it thins the blood, so if you are on warfarin or other blood thinners you need to talk to your medical practitioner.

  12. Turmeric is one of many very beneficial ingredients in the Nutritional Supplement drink I use every morning. I have been using it for a year and a half now and have never felt better. My arthritis pain is down to almost nothing. And my wife uses it for her Fibromyalgia with very good results.

  13. I have degenerative joint disease, bone on bone, very painful and keeps me inactive.
    I take Turmeric & Bromelain or fermented Turmeric 2x a day . It is a natural anti inflammatory , I am pain free. I can’t take drugs as my kidneys are bad from pain pills N Saids . When my back stiffens and locks, I take a hyaluronic acid 83 mg that is the liquid needed between our joints..and I move freely. Thank God for natural supplements.

  14. I totally Disagree, Turmeric has helped me greatly….better do more testing on this issue!

  15. Best way to take it is either buy Organic Turmeric and put it on your food that you like that type of taste with and have Organic Turmeric capsules, OR buy Curcumin Capsules (the active ingredient of Turmeric)

  16. Does capsule form do same I have fibromyalgia I’m recovering from invasive breast cancer I’ve started taking tuermic

  17. Have been making my own capsules for over 2 years ..Never felt better ..Tumeric is very cheap to buy from your local Indian shop..

  18. I started researching turmeric because of its cancer fighting properties. I found that it is absorbed and more beneficial when taken with black pepper. I am a true believer in its anti inflammatory purposes. I have felt results. I actually take a spoonful of a mix of equal parts of tumeric, cumin, black pepper, cayenne, ginger, cinnamon and cocoa. Every morning. I definitely feel it if I go without taking it for a few day. Yes I take it as a powder. If you do this. DO NOT BREATHE while ingesting. Swallow with water as quickly as you can. :):) It obviously doesnt take much to make a difference. I take all of those mixed in a spoonful each day. So im not actually taking a large amount of any one of them. But I do daily n they make a difference. I pray the difference I feel on the outside reflects on the inside.:)

  19. I’m recovering from breast cancer I also have fibromyalgia I’m in a lot of pain I’ve just started taking 400mg capsule twice aday 100mg magnesium 3 aday 25ug vit d3 once a day I also do juicing I have green juice in morning with wheatgrass powder 2 pints and a few others during day how long will it take to feel the benefit of the turmeric

  20. I use Turmeric in pickles, and in curry, as well as with rice dishes. I think it tastes great with sage, garlic, onion, tarragon, pepper, and other spices. Several of those have anti-oxidant properties, and lower blood pressure, aide sleep, and digestion.

  21. My Life Experience !
    I am diabetic:hear failed sice25 years; still going Building Constructions and Temple building where I Generally exposed to physical wounds ; mostly on lower limbs ! I used Turmeric Powder applied to the open Wounds , never once went for allopathic injections ! Inspite of diabetic problem I have not aggrated the open wounds; they were cured to normal status within 3/4 days !
    This is my experience and intended to advise othersb!

  22. I dislocated my elbow which ended up like a red balloon. Made a hot Turmeric Pultice. Wrapped the cloth in clingfilm. Pinned s hot cloth over that to sleep. Nxt morning all swelling had gone. And the joint pain as well. Tumeric magic x

  23. Turmeric is a mirracle as a true way to save body from sugar diseas and sugar control is a way to save life of all from all mental and physical diseas.

  24. Ive been taking turmeric with black pepper for the last 5months. I can actually tell when I have not taken it. I have osteoarthritis in my knee and ankle and it actually relieves the chronic aches that I have. This is one med that I make sure I don’t run out of.

  25. Thanks for your note, we have now linked to the report about the beneficial effect of combining turmeric with black pepper.

  26. turmeric medical benefits r being discussed and shared. But any medical expert suggesting how much its consumption is advised if daily taken?

  27. It is really good for pain with arthritis, but I had to stop taking it because I have thin blood. When I accidentally cut myself a few months ago, I almost had to call 911. Some people do have thin blood who are not on blood thinners. I hate that I cannot take this anymore. Just be careful about the blood.

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