The 10 Best Ways To Whiten Your Yellowish Teeth Naturally

The 10 Best Ways To Whiten Your Yellowish Teeth Naturally. Grahpic © Image – © AdobeStock 53267751 (under license) Our teeth start their life white as snow but they are exposed repeatedly to different staining elements. For example every …

Top 6 Essential Oil Diffuser Blends For Well Being

Top 6 Essential Oil Diffuser Blends For Well Being. Graphic: © Oil / flowers photo – Pixabay (PD). When it comes to essential oils, the possible aromatherapy combinations are nearly endless. But the wide range of options can also …

Do You Know The Difference Between Underactive And Overactive Thyroid?

Do You Know The Difference Between Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism?Graphic © Herbal images – Wikimedia commons (see foot of page for sources) Check out this chart and list of underachieve and overactive thyroid symptoms – and try not to get …

7 Top Tips To Fight Brain Aging

7 Top Tips To Fight Brain Aging. Graphic © Photo © Shutterstock 115798375 (under license) If the brain is damaged, the rest of the body cannot function properly; creating problems in breathing, circulation, and digestion, to name a few. …

Amazing Health Benefits Of Nuts

Amazing Health Benefits of Nuts graphic © herbshealthhappiness.comNut images – Wikipedia lic. under CC (see foot of article for full license info) Nuts Are Energy-Dense Foods Nuts are rich in protein, dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, and phytoesterols – all …

How To Make Fire Cider – A Potent Cold & Flu Remedy

Image – We just discovered a super tutorial over at for how to make your own fire cider. If it sounds like just a warm drink for a cold winter’s night, think again: It’s actually an infusion based …

Ginger Press: An Amazing Natural Pain Killer

Image – You’ll love this simple ginger press we discovered as a natural home remedy for pain! 🙂 It’s a traditional remedy for osteoarthritis pain. The ginger press also requires two other ingredients – garlic and salt. One thing …

10 Super Green Foods To Eat Every Day

10 Super Green Foods To Eat Every Day. Graphic © Veg photo sources – see foot of article. These days, everyone is “going green”, and indeed it’s high time! When it comes to food, greens are definitely good for …

The Importance Of Lutein

The Importance Of Lutein. Graphic © Asparagus – Wikipedia – lic. under CC3.0. Other veg – CC0 Lutein is an antioxidant found in green veg and some other foods. Although not very well known to most, it is very …