How To Make Amazing Naturally Flavored Water

How To Make Amazing Naturally Flavored Water. Photo – (with permission) Finally – a way to drink something that has tons of flavor as well as super health qualities! Although I say “finally” – aficionados of the natural way …

Detox Your Body

Image – © Photo – © Von Schonertagen – (under license) Although modern medicine tends to cast a cynical eye at detoxification practices such as fasting and colon washing, nobody can deny that the human body is exposed …

Top 8 Natural Remedies For Ringworm

Graphic © Home Remedies for Ringworm Ringworm is a fungal infection that develops as an itchy, flat, ring-shaped or circular rash on the top layer of the skin. The rash appears reddish and inflamed around the edge but has …

Top 7 Home Remedies for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Graphic © Urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection that afflicts any structure of the urinary tract, a system consisting of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra responsible for producing, storing, and eventually eliminating urine – one of the …

The Amazing Benefits Of Astaxhanthin

Images – pixabay (PD), Frank Fox – (lic under CC 3.0), © Astaxanthin (pronounced “asta-ZAN-thin”) is a deep red-orange marine carotenoid pigment that occurs naturally in salmon, Pacific and Antarctic krill, rainbow trout, lobster, yeast, microalgae, Arctic shrimp …

25 Super Snacks With 100 Calories Or Less

Graphic – Image sources – see foot of article It is possible to assuage your hunger pangs without making you pile on the pounds. There are some surprisingly healthy options that will keep you feeling fuller for longer, sans …

This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Avocado Every Day

This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Avocado Every Day. Graphic © Avocado photo – Pixabay (PD) Avocados are not just photogenic, they have amazing health benefits that can help fight disease as well! Originating in …

Turmeric Extract Puts Drugs For Knee Osteoarthritis To Shame

Turmeric Extract Puts Drugs For Knee Osteoarthritis To Shame. Graphic © Photos © eyewave, psdesign1 – (under license) Millions of people take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to treat their arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. There is a need …

Top 10 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Dry Skin

Top 10 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Dry Skin. Graphic © Photo – © Marco Mayer – (under license) What is Dry Skin? Dry skin is a very common condition where your skin loses its natural moisture. …

The 10 Best Ways To Whiten Your Yellowish Teeth Naturally

The 10 Best Ways To Whiten Your Yellowish Teeth Naturally. Grahpic © Image – © AdobeStock 53267751 (under license) Our teeth start their life white as snow but they are exposed repeatedly to different staining elements. For example every …

Uses And Health Benefits Of Lemon Juice

Uses And Health Benefits Of Lemon Juice – Graphic © Boosts Immune System: Lemons are an excellent source of vitamin C and antioxidants that can help the immune system. Aids In Digestion: Drinking lemon juice may work as a …