How To Make Amazing Naturally Flavored Water

How To Make Amazing Naturally Flavored Water. Photo – (with permission) Finally – a way to drink something that has tons of flavor as well as super health qualities! Although I say “finally” – aficionados of the natural way …

13 Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Whiteheads

Infographic – Photo sources – see foot of article Whiteheads are a common skin problem that affects many people – due to too much stress, sleep deprivation, unhealthy eating, poor facial cleansing and other factors. Teenagers are the primary …

MSM: The Miracle Supplement

pile of MSM © ExQuisine – molecules – PD One supplement that has recently gained much popularity among the health-conscious is MSM or methylsulfonylmethane, a sulfur compound that occurs naturally in the human body. MSM is also found in …

Mounting Evidence Grows Against Diet Soda

Mounting Evidence Grows Against Diet Soda. Graphic © Photo © Focus Pocus LTD – (under license) It is widely accepted that for a person to lose weight, one must either decrease their caloric intake or increase their caloric …

Detox Your Body

Image – © Photo – © Von Schonertagen – (under license) Although modern medicine tends to cast a cynical eye at detoxification practices such as fasting and colon washing, nobody can deny that the human body is exposed …

Warning: These 23 Essential Oils Are Highly Toxic To Cats

These 23 Essential Oils Are Highly Toxic To Cats. Infographic © Kittens – The use of essential oils has grown in popularity over the past few years, mainly because of their appeal to consumers looking for natural alternatives …

You Know It’s An Insane World When…

You Know Its An Insane World When. Graphic © Background photo © AdobeStock 132117575 (under license) American farmers have been supported by subsidies from the U.S. government since the 1930s when drought and the Great Depression wreaked havoc on …

How To Make Natural Ginger Ale

How To Make Natural Ginger Ale. Image – (with permission) We just found an awesome tutorial for how to make your own natural ginger ale! The link follows after our introduction to the topic. If you’re sick of the …

Mega FREE Collection of 50+ Healthy & Detox Drink Tutorials

Mega FREE Collection of 50+ Healthy & Detox Drink Tutorials. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness. Image credits – © Adobe Stock 46762546 (under license). (with permission) Here is the index to our full collection of healthy drink tutorials! Amazing …

Mega Collection of 80+ FREE Healthy Eating Tutorials

Mega Collection of 80+ FREE Healthy Eating Tutorials. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness. Images © AdobeStock 10517173 50097326 55748636 71092642 (under license) Here is the full index of our collection of 80+ free tutorials on healthy eating! We’ve divided it into 3 …

The Four Agreements

The Four Agreements. Words: Don Miguel Ángel Ruiz. Graphic © “The Four Agreements 1. Be impeccable with your word. 2. Don’t take anything personally. 3. Don’t make assumptions. 4. Always do your best.” Don Miguel Ángel Ruiz, a Mexican …