The Four Agreements

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The Four Agreements
The Four Agreements. Words: Don Miguel Ángel Ruiz. Graphic ©

The Four Agreements
1. Be impeccable with your word.
2. Don’t take anything personally.
3. Don’t make assumptions.
4. Always do your best.”

Don Miguel Ángel Ruiz, a Mexican author, wrote the book The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom which has sold 5.2 million copies in the U.S. In this widely translated and famous book, he gives the four principles believed to be the key to creating love and happiness.

His ‘New Age’ spiritual insights have some roots in Toltec origins, combined with neo-shamanism. His teachings focus on the ancient Toltec teachings but are presented in a way that modern society can relate to. Because of the wide acceptance of the book, he was listed as one of The Watkins 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People in 2014.

According to history sources, the Toltec civilization thrived in central Mexico between the 10th and mid-12 centuries CE. The Toltecs came after the Maya and earlier than the Aztecs. Toltecs were considered prosperous and wise, as manifested by their relics and writings. They were also highly regarded by other ancient civilizations and seemed to have copied many aspects of their art and religious practices. The Everything Toltec Wisdom Book by Allan Hardman explains that the modern Toltec teachings are mostly directed to self-acceptance and freedom.

The modern interest in Mesoamerican spirituality was probably revived by Carlos Castaneda in his series of bestselling books. However these are somewhat abstract and the mystical elements can be complex. It was Don Miguel Ruiz who modernized Toltec wisdom, making it simple and practical for solving modern issues. One of the distinctive changes is the shift from fear-based to love-based teachings.

Perhaps the basic concept of the 4 agreements can be best summarized by Ruiz himself: “You don’t need to change the world; you need to change yourself.”

Applying the Four Agreements in Daily Life

Understanding and internalizing the Four Agreements can be transformative, but the real power lies in applying them consistently in our daily lives. Here are some practical ways to incorporate each agreement into your routine:

Be Impeccable with Your Word
• Practice mindfulness in your speech. Before speaking, ask yourself if your words are true, necessary, and kind.
• Use positive affirmations to reinforce your self-worth and intentions. For example, start your day by saying, “I am capable and deserving of happiness.”
• Avoid gossip and negative talk about others. Focus on constructive conversations that uplift and inspire.

Don’t Take Anything Personally
• Remind yourself that other people’s actions and words are a reflection of their own reality and experiences, not a judgment of you.
• Develop a habit of pausing before reacting to criticism or praise. Reflect on whether the feedback aligns with your own values and beliefs.
• Cultivate self-compassion. When you feel hurt by someone’s words or actions, practice self-care and affirm your own worth.

Don’t Make Assumptions
• Foster clear and open communication. When in doubt, ask questions to clarify intentions and expectations.
• Practice active listening. Pay full attention to the speaker, and reflect back what you have heard to ensure understanding.
• Challenge your own assumptions. When you catch yourself making assumptions about a situation or person, take a step back and seek more information.

Always Do Your Best
• Recognize that your best effort can vary from day to day based on your physical and emotional state. Be gentle with yourself and avoid self-judgment.
• Set realistic goals and break them down into manageable steps. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small.
• Focus on the process rather than the outcome. Embrace the journey of growth and learning, and let go of the need for perfection.

Neo-Shamanism: Modern Spirituality Meets Ancient Practices

Neo-shamanism, of which The Four Agreements is a popularized example, is a contemporary spiritual movement that draws inspiration from traditional shamanic practices while adapting them to modern contexts. This approach to spirituality has gained popularity in modernized Western societies as people seek alternative paths to healing, self-discovery, and the rediscovery of a connection with nature that is commonly viewed as having been lost since industrialization.

Key Characteristics of Neo-Shamanism:

Eclectic Practices: Neo-shamanism incorporates elements from various indigenous traditions, often blending them with modern psychotherapeutic techniques[1].

Accessibility: Unlike traditional shamanism, which often requires cultural inheritance or community selection, neo-shamanism is open to anyone interested in pursuing this spiritual path[1].

Focus on Personal Growth: While traditional shamanism serves community needs, neo-shamanism typically emphasizes individual healing and self-development[1].

Use of Altered States: Neo-shamanic practices often involve achieving altered states of consciousness through drumming, dancing, or sometimes the use of entheogens[1].

Core Shamanism: Many neo-shamanic practices are influenced by Michael Harner’s “Core Shamanism,” which attempts to distill universal shamanic principles[1].

Controversies and Criticisms:

Neo-shamanism has faced some criticism, particularly from indigenous communities and scholars. Some argue that it appropriates sacred traditions without proper context or respect for their origins[1]. Critics also point out that the individualistic focus of neo-shamanism differs significantly from the community-oriented nature of traditional shamanic practices[2].

Impact and Integration:

Despite controversies, neo-shamanism has influenced various aspects of modern spirituality and alternative healing practices. It has contributed to the growing interest in plant medicines, nature-based spirituality, and holistic approaches to mental health[4].

As with any spiritual practice, those interested in neo-shamanism should approach it with respect, critical thinking, and an awareness of its modern context and potential cultural implications. While it offers a unique blend of ancient wisdom and contemporary needs, it’s essential to recognize the distinctions between neo-shamanic practices and traditional indigenous spiritualities[1][2].

However The Four Agreements, generally speaking, minimizes ritualistic and theatrical elements, focusing on ‘inner wisdom’ and approaching life in a spiritual manner. It could be said that The Four Agreements also draws on simple philosophical material – for example the “Golden Rule” – and focuses on practical spirituality.

The Influence From Castaneda

Carlos Castaneda was an influential anthropologist and author whose work laid the groundwork for later spiritual teachers like Don Miguel Ángel Ruiz. Here’s a quick summary of Castaneda’s work and impact:

1. Key Works: Castaneda’s most famous books include “The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge” (1968), “A Separate Reality” (1971), and “Journey to Ixtlan” (1972). These books detailed his alleged apprenticeship with a Yaqui shaman named Don Juan Matus.

2. Central Themes: Castaneda’s writings focused on non-ordinary reality, shamanic practices, and the concept of becoming a “man of knowledge.” He introduced readers to ideas like “stopping the world” and shifting one’s perception of reality.

3. Controversy: While initially accepted as anthropological research, Castaneda’s work later faced criticism and skepticism about its authenticity. Many now consider his books to be works of fiction rather than factual accounts.

4. Cultural Impact: Despite controversies, Castaneda’s books became international bestsellers and significantly influenced the New Age movement and contemporary spirituality.

5. Influence on Ruiz: Don Miguel Ángel Ruiz, like Castaneda, draws on indigenous Mexican spiritual traditions, particularly Toltec wisdom. Ruiz’s teachings, as exemplified in “The Four Agreements,” share similarities with Castaneda’s work in their focus on perception, personal power, and breaking free from societal conditioning.

6. Legacy: Castaneda’s work opened the door for writers like Ruiz to bring indigenous spiritual concepts to a wider audience, blending ancient wisdom with modern self-help approaches.

While Castaneda’s factual claims remain disputed, his impact on popular spirituality and his role in paving the way for authors like Ruiz is undeniable.


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By Mike Westerdal CPT

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