Mega Collection of 80+ FREE Healthy Eating Tutorials

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80 Healthy Eating Tutorials
Mega Collection of 80+ FREE Healthy Eating Tutorials. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness. Images © AdobeStock 10517173 50097326 55748636 71092642 (under license)

Here is the full index of our collection of 80+ free tutorials on healthy eating! We’ve divided it into 3 sections: Recipes, Healing Food and Things To Avoid. Please bookmark and share this page 🙂


5 Awesome Apple Dip Recipes – Savory and Sweet

Paleo Recipe Book From World Famous Cordon Bleu Chef Peter Servold (“Free + Shipping”)

Honey Buttermilk Bread

Peasant Bread – The Best & Easiest Bread You’ll Ever Make

Amazing Paleo Watermelon Cake

3 Day Pickles Recipe

500 Free Recipes To Try On Your Next Camping Trip

How To Make Mint Choc Chip Coconut Milk Ice Cream (Dairy Free)

How To Make A Month Of Smoothies In 1 Hour

Banana And Almond Butter Ice Cream

13 Homemade Bread Recipes – Never Buy Bread Again

How To Make Your Own Amazing Kale Chips

How To Make Delicious And Healthy Oatmeal Smoothies

Make Your Own Amazing Dehydrated Fruit Snacks

How To Make Overnight, No-Cook Refrigerator Oatmeal

How To Make Your Own Amazing Organic Raw Chocolates

How To Make Sugar-Free Chocolate Coconut Energy Bars

How To Make Fantastic Pure Fruit Ice Cubes

Healing Food:

7 Astonishing Reasons Why Eating Chocolate Is Good for You

10 Foods That Help Heal The Pancreas

10 Super Green Foods To Eat Every Day

It’s Official – Astonishing New Research Finds Organic Food MUCH Healthier!

List Of 34 “Anticancer Foods” With Details And Scientific References

Top 10 Best Foods to Cleanse Your Liver

What Food Cravings Are Telling You About Your Nutrition

It’s Official – Astonishing New Research Finds Organic Food MUCH Healthier!

Top 10 Best Foods to Cleanse Your Liver

What Food Cravings Are Telling You About Your Nutrition

The Amazing Unknown Power Of Papaya Seeds

This Family Ate Only Organic For Two Weeks… Watch What Happened

7 Best Foods For Stronger Bones

The Truth About Coconut Oil – 10 Facts You Need To Know

12 Best Foods For Patients With Arthritis

This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Consume Okra

7 Key Foods That Lower Cholesterol And Reduce Heart Attack Risk

Why Eat Garlic On An Empty Stomach

Should You REALLY Eat Apple Peel? The Straight Facts

8 Easy Ways To Prevent Apple & Pear Slices From Browning

Cacao: Food Of The Gods, Lovers’ Gift Or Aphrodisiac Of Emperors?

Top 20 Foods To Give you Energy

Top 20 Best Foods For Your Brain

20 Foods To Help You Sleep Better

10 Reasons To Love Lemons

Things To Avoid:

Caution: Splenda Downgraded After Leukemia Found In Mice

Why You Should Never Eat Tilapia

High Fructose Corn Syrup Has Been Renamed And Is Now Being Marketed As A Natural Sweetener

USDA Says Okay To Ship U.S. Chickens to China for Cheap Processing Then Back Home For You To Eat

13 Foods That Make You Feel Bloated (and How to Fix The Problem)

Does Sugar Promote Heart Disease and Cancer?

8 WORST Foods For Kids

These 10 Foods Have All Been Associated With Reduced Breast Cancer Risk

New Report Finds Most Fast Food Chains Serve Meat Raised On Drugs

“Massive Wave” Of European Countries Now Banning GMOs

Why Instant Noodles May Be Destroying Your Health

3 Unhealthy Habits That Cause Bloating, Indigestion & Acid Reflux

Your Almond Milk Is A Fraud: Gullible Shoppers Fooled

The 5 Most Dangerous Lies You’ve Been Told About Bread – Plus Which Types Of Bread (Surprising!) Are Actually Amazing For Health

10 American Foods That Are Banned In Other Countries

8 Foods Even The Experts Won’t Eat

5 Processed Kids Snacks To Avoid At All Costs (Plus 5 Delicious Healthy Alternatives)

The Worst Nutrition Advice In History? Here Are The Top 5 Contenders

How Sugar Harms Your Brain Health and Drives Alzheimer’s Epidemic

Important Scientific Study Finds That Artificial Sweeteners Induce Glucose Intolerance

The Real Reason Wheat is Toxic (it’s not the gluten)

The Truth About Almonds: Almost No One Knows This Dirty Secret

Shopper’s Guide To Pesticides

Are You Trading Omega-3s for PCBs with Your Choice of Salmon?

6 Types Of Cooking Oil To NEVER Eat

5 Things That Happen When You Quit Eating Sugar

Wow: Powerful Video May Change The Way You View Healthy Eating

Science Has Spoken: Grass-fed Butter Eaters Have Fewer Heart Attacks

These 11 Mind Blowing Graphs Show Everything That Is Wrong With The Modern Diet

The Age of Aspartame May Be Coming To An End As More Health Risks Are Confirmed

10 Of The Worst Food Ingredients To Never Eat Again

Top 12 Most Adulterated Foods On The Planet

10 Potent Foods That Kill Pain Fast

WARNING: You Might Be About To Eat Thanksgiving Turkey That Contains Insane Size-Enhancing Drug BANNED In 29 Countries!

What Is Carrageenan And Is It Safe To Eat?

200 Clinically Confirmed Reasons Not To Eat Wheat

Warning: Big Food Is Putting Nanometal Particles In Your Food Without Listing Them As Ingredients

The DIRTY Truth about Canola Oil

The Shocking Truth About Vegetable Oil

Nine Ways To Avoid Pesticide Residues In Food

These 13 Banned Food Ingredients Are Still Allowed In The U.S.A.

Healthy Eating Trends for 2024: What to Watch Out For

Stay ahead of the curve with these emerging healthy eating trends for 2024:

Plant-Based Seafood

Plant-based seafood is an innovative category of alternative proteins that aims to replicate the taste, texture, and nutritional profile of conventional seafood using entirely plant-derived ingredients. These products are designed to appeal to consumers seeking more sustainable and ethical food choices, as well as those with dietary restrictions or preferences. Common ingredients used in plant-based seafood include seaweed, algae, legumes, and various plant proteins. The market for these products has seen significant growth in recent years, driven by increasing awareness of overfishing, concerns about marine pollution, and the desire for healthier protein alternatives. Popular plant-based seafood items include fish fillets, shrimp, tuna, and crab cakes. Manufacturers are continually innovating to improve the taste and texture of their products, with some utilizing advanced food technologies like 3D printing and fermentation to create more realistic analogues. As consumer interest in plant-based options continues to rise, the plant-based seafood market is expected to expand further, with projections indicating substantial growth potential in the coming years.

Alternative Flours

Traditional wheat flour is being replaced by alternatives like almond, coconut, and chickpea flours. These options cater to gluten-free diets and offer unique nutritional benefits.

Alternative flours have gained significant popularity in recent years, offering diverse options beyond traditional wheat flour for both culinary and nutritional purposes. These flour alternatives cater to various dietary needs, including gluten-free, low-carb, and grain-free diets, while also providing unique flavors and textures to baked goods and other dishes. Common alternative flours include almond flour, coconut flour, chickpea flour, quinoa flour, and cassava flour, each with its own distinct nutritional profile and culinary properties. For instance, almond flour is rich in protein and healthy fats, while coconut flour is high in fiber and low in carbohydrates. Many of these alternatives offer additional health benefits, such as improved blood sugar control, increased nutrient density, and better digestibility for some individuals.

As consumers become more health-conscious and experimental in their cooking, the market (and diversity) of alternative flours continues to expand, with new options like green banana flour. Bakers and home cooks are increasingly incorporating these flours into their recipes, creating everything from gluten-free bread and pastries to nutrient-dense pancakes and pizza crusts. The rise of alternative flours not only caters to specific dietary needs but also contributes to a more diverse and sustainable food system.

Eco-Conscious Eating
• Consumers are increasingly choosing foods that have a lower environmental impact. This includes reducing meat consumption, opting for locally sourced produce, and minimizing food waste.

Personalized Nutrition
• Advances in technology and nutrition science are making personalized diets more accessible. Tailor your eating habits based on your genetic makeup, microbiome, and specific health needs.

Functional Foods
• Foods that offer health benefits beyond basic nutrition are on the rise. Look for products fortified with probiotics, antioxidants, and other functional ingredients that support gut health, immunity, and overall wellness.

Economical Eats
• Budget-friendly healthy eating is gaining traction. Expect to see more recipes and meal plans that focus on affordable, nutritious ingredients without compromising on taste or quality.

Focus on Fiber
• Increasing fiber intake is a key trend, with more emphasis on whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, and lentils. High-fiber diets are linked to numerous health benefits, including improved digestion and reduced risk of chronic diseases.

Hydration with a Twist
• Staying hydrated is essential, and now there are more innovative ways to do so. Infused waters, electrolyte drinks, and beverages with added vitamins and minerals are becoming popular choices.

Mindful Eating
• The practice of mindful eating—paying full attention to the experience of eating and drinking—is gaining popularity. This approach helps improve digestion, manage portion sizes, and enhance the overall enjoyment of food.

Upcycled Ingredients
• Upcycling food waste into new products is a growing trend. Look for snacks and ingredients made from byproducts of food production, such as vegetable peels and pulp, which help reduce waste and promote sustainability.

Incorporate these trends into your healthy eating routine to stay current and enhance your overall wellness.

😳 What Tinnitus Does To Your Brain Cells (And How To Stop It)

After 47 years of studies and countless brain scans done on more than 2,400 tinnitus patients, scientists at the MIT Institute found that in a shocking 96% of cases, tinnitus was actually shrinking their brain cells.

As it turns out, tinnitus and brain health are strongly linked.

Even more interesting: The reason why top army officials are not deaf after decades of hearing machine guns, bombs going off and helicopter noises…

Is because they are using something called "the wire method", a simple protocol inspired by a classified surgery on deaf people from the 1950s...

★ How To Get Rid Of Nail Fungus:

★ Does Your Salad Contain This Vegetable?

★ 20 Natural Painkillers In Your Kitchen (Video):

Herbs Health Happiness Youtube

★ Men's Prostate Health:

enlarged prostate solution

The #1 Muscle That Eliminates Joint And Back Pain, Anxiety And Looking Fat

By Mike Westerdal CPT

Can you guess which muscle in your body is the #1 muscle that eliminates joint and back pain, anxiety and looking fat?

This is especially important if you spend a significant amount of time sitting every day (I do, and this really affects me in a big way!)

Working this "hidden survival muscle" that most people are simply not training because no-one ever taught them how will boost your body shape, energy levels, immune system, sexual function, strength and athletic performance when unlocked.

If this "hidden" most powerful primal muscle is healthy, we are healthy.


Is it...

a) Abs

b) Chest

c) Glutes

d) Hip Flexors

Take the quiz above and see if you got the correct answer!

P.S. Make sure you check out this page to get to know the 10 simple moves that will bring vitality back into your life:

==> Click here to discover which "hidden survival muscle" will help you boost your energy levels, immune system, sexual function, strength and athletic performance permanently!

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