8 Leafy Greens For Smoothies And Juices

8 Leafy Greens for Smoothies and JuicesGraphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Img sources – see foot of article 8 Leafy Greens for Smoothies And Juices: 1. Red Leaf Lettuce: Inexpensive, milder flavour, vitamin & mineral packed 2. Kale High in vitamin C, …

Is Raw Honey The Ultimate Survival Food?

Is Raw Honey The Ultimate Survival Food?. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Photo © Adobe Stock (under license) Is Raw Honey The Ultimate Survival Food? Honey is the only food that will not rot. A jar of honey may remain edible for …

If Organic Farming Is The Natural Way…

If Organic Farming Is The Natural Way…Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Photo – Pixabay (PD) “If organic farming is the natural way, shouldn’t organic produce just be called “produce” and make the pesticide-laden stuff take the burden of an adjective?” – Ymber …

You Can’t Fix Your Health Until You Fix Your Diet

You Can’t Fix Your Health Until You Fix Your Diet. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Photo – Unsplash (PD) “You can’t fix your health until you fix your diet.” Learn More: 10 Ways You Can Boost Your Metabolism Plus 10 Metabolism-Boosting Foods: …

What Happens When A Smoker Quits – A 15-Year Timeline

What Happens When A Smoker Quits – A 15-Year TimelineGraphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Photo – Pixabay (PD) What Happens When A Smoker Quits? A 15-Year Timeline… 20 Minutes after quitting: The heart rate and blood pressure drop back to normal levels. …

Eating Healthily Is A Form Of Self Respect

Eating Healthily Is A Form Of Self RespectPhoto by Brooke Lark on Unsplash “Eating Healthily Is A Form Of Self Respect” Learn More: The Top 20 Ranked Foods For Overall Health And Fitness 6 Of The Best Anti-Aging Foods 34 …


UnplugGraphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Photo © Shutterstock (under license) Just a reminder to get some fresh air and stay in touch with nature… ❤️ #unplug Learn More: Save The Bees. Plant More Trees. Clean The Seas. Benefits Of Trees Science: Brain …

Don’t Pull The Spring Dandelions

Don’t Pull The Sping DandelionsGraphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Photo – Unsplash (PD) Please don’t spray or pull the spring dandelions. They are one of the first sources of food for bees. Most people think of these as a weed – but …

Tobacco Use Is The Single Most Important Risk Factor for Cancer

Tobacco Use Is The Single Most Important Risk Factor for CancerGraphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Photo – Pixabay (PD) Tobacco use is the single most important risk factor for cancer and is responsible for approximately 22% of cancer-related deaths globally. Learn More: …