Migraine Reliever Smoothie

Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com Try this juice blend and see if it helps. (not medical advice or a substitute for such.) Pineapple: Pineapple contains vitamin B that helps improving brain functioning and brain health. Kale: Kale is rich in vitamins and …

Just Say No To Plastic Straws

Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com Plastic straws are used in huge amounts across the globe and billions are used annually. National Geographic has estimated that in the United Kingdom alone, over 4,400,000,000 plastic straws are discarded each year. In the USA, millions …

If The Bee Disappears From The Surface Of The Earth…

Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Photo © Adobe Stock (under license) The Importance Of Bees: Pollination Work Of Bees: Bees are vital for the preservation of the ecosystem as they help keep ecological balance and biodiversity in nature. They provide one of …

Hugging Is Good for You

Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com Hugs do more than feel good, they are now associated with surprising health benefits. Time for some hugs! Here are some of the health benefits of hugging: Lowers Blood Pressure: A study that involved 59 women, found …

Health Benefits Of Walking

Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com Do you walk daily? Here are some of the health benefits of walking, as supported by scientific studies: Weight Loss: Walking helps you burn calories which can help in weight loss. Walking has also been linked with …

The Shocking Story Of Transgenic Crops In Argentina

The Shocking Story Of Transgenic Crops In Argentina. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Photo – Pexels (PD) In Argentina, both humans and livestock are suffering the consequences of herbicide exposure – in a serious and tragic scenario that has received too little …

Senior IARC Scientist Defends His Research: Glyphosate Can Cause Cancer

Photo © Fotokostic – shutterstock.com Despite the International Agency for Research on Cancer’s recent classification of glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic”, little has been done to curb its widespread use all over world. Roundup, whose main ingredient is glyphosate, is still …