Ultimate DIY Detox Bath (5 Minute Tutorial)

image © olly – fotolia.com A hot bath is one of the best ways to relax after a long day of work, school or errands. Warm water is very soothing, able to relax worn out muscles and provide a peaceful …

These 11 Foods Have Been Found By Science To Lower Blood Sugar

These 11 Foods Have Been Found By Science To Lower Blood Sugar. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Photo © AdobeStock 37936052 (under license) Diabetes is a major problem that affects almost 30 million people in the USA alone. Ten percent of these …

How To Fall Asleep In 60 Seconds Flat

image © AdobeStock (under license) Sleep is a precious commodity we take for granted – until we can’t get it. With so many things to do throughout the day, we have precious few hours to recharge for the next day. …

10 Super Healthy Things To Add To Your Water

10 Super Healthy Things To Add To Your Water. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Background photo © AdobeStock 83932452 (under license) With more than 40 liters of water in the human body, dehydration can be as easy as doing a little bit …

8 Produce Picks For Better Blood Pressure

image © Ezume Images – fotolia.com While the majority of the population has been getting into the habit of anything green or leafy, the truth of the matter is that vegetables are, without a doubt, good for you. Not only …

Relieve Your Headache And Stress With Acupressure In 30 Seconds

photo © herbshealthhappiness.com Acupressure is an alternative therapy that derives from traditional Chinese medicine and is one of numerous Asian bodywork therapies. In this traditional therapy, the theory is that the body has special “acupoints”, or acupressure points, that can …

Amazing New Paste From Japan Heals Cavities Without Drilling

photo – Sandor Kacso – fotolia.com (under license) An incredible breakthrough treatment for tooth decay is set to be unveiled shortly: A team of researchers in Japan led by Kazue Yamagishi, D.M.D. have come up with a special paste that …

Cashews Are A Natural Anti-Depressant

Cashews Are A Natural Anti-Depressant. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Image © MovingMoment – fotolia.com Cashews not only an excellent source of protein, they also have other nutritional benefits that improve psychological health. For years, taking pills and therapy have been the …

How To Make An Easy Tonic For The Thyroid

How To Make Easy Tonic For The Thyroid. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Thyroid Image – Wikipedia lic. under CC3.0. Juice image © AdobeStock 78392305 (under license) Did you know that one of the body’s most powerful organs resides in the front …

Amazing 8-Minute Abs Workout Video

Image – https://youtube.com/watch?v=1w0_kazbb_U In this awesome video by Jamie Alderton, an ex-military man turned model and fitness expert, you will be taught how to achieve the abs of your dreams, through a simply daily 8-minute workout routine. This is the …