Amazing New Paste From Japan Heals Cavities Without Drilling

Amazing New Paste Heals Cavities - Without Drilling
photo – Sandor Kacso – (under license)

An incredible breakthrough treatment for tooth decay is set to be unveiled shortly: A team of researchers in Japan led by Kazue Yamagishi, D.M.D. have come up with a special paste that regenerates the tooth enamel, causing teeth to self-repair. This is an astonishing discovery.

Did you know that 60% of dental therapy is said to be a retreatment of teeth that have already been treated? This is because dental filling materials such as resin or metal alloy are totally different from a tooth in composition and structure, and those differences cause tooth decay at the point where the two materials make contact.

Remineralization of teeth is a subject plagued by controversy, with “orthodox” dental theory holding that once teeth are decayed, there is simply no going back. But has this ever struck you as strange? If your skin or bones are damaged, they grow back. Why not teeth? Why is this “impossible”? Alternative dental theory, such as that propounded by Dr. Westin A. Price, maintains that the problem with our teeth is actually caused by modern agriculture, which does not provide the body with the level of minerals that are needed to prevent decay or even for teeth to heal. Dr. Price examined the skulls of very ancient tribal people and found that they had excellent and even perfect dental health, despite living in an era before toothpaste, toothbrushes or dental fillings existed! [1]

However, the “official position” on whether tooth enamel can regenerate “naturally” may soon be completely irrelevant, thanks to the work of Kazue Yamagishi – whose synthetic enamel treatment will (according to his website) be available to the public in 2016. He states on his website “We have succeeded in developing such therapy of dreams”. [2] Curiously, the method makes perfect sense: Regrow the tooth using the exact crystalline minerals a tooth is made from, rather than attempting to patch it with another substance.

Enamel is the outer layer of the human tooth. It is approximately 1 to 1.5mm thick and composed of hydroxyapatite (HAP) crystals. Acid-forming bacteria in the mouth typically damage this enamel gradually over time and this effect is of course accelerated by poor dental hygiene, which allows the bacteria to grow in greater numbers. The new paste of Dr. Yamagishi “grows HAP crystals, which are exactly like those in natural enamel, at the affected site within 15 min”. The team reported their exact methods (including listing the exact substances used) in a scientific paper [3] and reported that the new enamel, when examined under a high power microscope, grew continuous crystals, with no discontinuous boundary being observed. [3]

The treatment is currently in the clinical trial stage in Japan, but no trials are scheduled in EU or USA yet. Another great reason to visit Japan… but let’s show our support for introducing these possibilities to the rest of the world.

Note that this paste will require a dentist’s application and is reported unsuitable for home use due to the care which must be taken for the chemicals not to touch the gums at all. Also it is reported to work best on “microcaries” – the first stage of dental decay. However it really does seem that this treatment could prevent decay from ever getting hold and even bring us to the point where with proper treatment, tooth decay really becomes a thing of the past!

Another interesting positive effect of the proposed new treatment is that the treated tooth will become whiter than a normal tooth owing to the purity of the apatite minerals used – so it will be a whitening treatment into the bargain. [4]


[1] How To Heal Cavities – The Astonishing Claims Of The Oil Pullers (

[2] Kazue Yamagishi’s Webpage for the synthetic enamel treatment

[3] Kazue Yamagishi “A Synthetic Enamel for Rapid Tooth Repair” – Nature, 2005.

[4] Kazue Yamagishi’s FAQ on the new paste

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4 thoughts on “Amazing New Paste From Japan Heals Cavities Without Drilling

  1. Two American dentists came up with something similar called Novamin. The rights were bought by GlaxoSmithKline for $135 million. It was on the US market for a short time. Now I have to buy it on eBay from foreign countries. Unfortunately, all of those versions have fluoride. I have used it for several years and did get rid of a cavity on a back tooth. My dentist used his tool to press down into the cavity and told me he would have to fix it on the next visit. I started using it and the next time I went back to the dentist, the cavity was gone.

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