20 Cancer Symptoms Most Women Ignore

image – shutterstock.com (under license) If you can read the tiny text in the image above, you’ll see that it says “Subungual Melanoma Prognosis”. That means that this is a medical photo of the toe of someone with melanoma underneath …

Why You MUST Drink Water Right After You Wake Up

image © Giuseppe Porzani – fotolia.com Water is an integral component of the human body. We are literally more water than anything else. Because water is easily lost through daily activities and illness, we must be vigilant in replacing the …

1,000+ Food Brands That Are Verified NON-GMO

image – EatLocalGrown (with permission) It’s obvious that the US government has no intention of making reasonable and responsible decisions related to genetically engineered foods at this point. Most people think that GMO foods are tested by the USDA for …

How A Mother Naturally Cured Her Daughter’s Eczema

image – EatLocalGrown Maya, a young girl, suffered with a severe form of eczema since she was a young baby. At the age of one, red, flaky skin broke out all over Maya’s body forcing her mother to resort to …

How To Recognize Skin Cancer – This Could Save Your Life

UPPER ROW – Melanoma – showing (A) Asymmetry, (B) a border that is uneven, ragged, or notched, (C) coloring of different shades of brown, black, or tan and (D) diameter that had changed in size.. LOWER ROW – “Ordinary” moles. …

Monsanto To Go On Trial For Crimes Against Humanity And The Environment

image © yanlev – fotolia.com At a press conference held in conjunction with the COP21 United Nations Conference on Climate Change, The Organic Consumers Association (OCA), IFOAM International Organics, Navdanya, Regeneration International (RI), and Millions Against Monsanto, joined by dozens …

This Is Why You Need To Massage Your Feet Before Bed

Reflexology Foot ChartPhoto – Wikipedia – lic. under CC 3.0 (via web archive) Massage has many therapeutic benefits, ranging from the promotion of rest and relaxation to improvement of circulation in various organs in the body. Adults aren’t the only …

Still Consume White Flour? After Reading This, You Won’t…

image – EatLocalGrown (with permission) Cakes, soups, pastries and chicken nuggets – what do all of these have in common? These foods all have white flour as one of the main ingredients. Because flour is such a common ingredient, most …

Panic Attacks And Anxiety Linked To Low Vitamin B6 And Iron Levels

Panic Attacks And Anxiety Linked To Low Vitamin B6 And Iron Levels. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Images © AdobeStock 43358349 88752729 (under license) A human scientific study from Japan has found significant correlation between panic/anxiety attacks, vitamin B6 and iron levels …