10 Amazing Uses Of Used Tea Bags

Image – NatureHacks.com Most people just toss the teabag when they are done making the tea – however we discovered a fantastic page listing 10 top uses of used tea bags. Some of these benefits were quite surprising! The link …

Never Need Bleach Again

Image – NatureHacks.com It’s well known that bleach is fairly evil stuff. It’s not good for the environment and can also be harmful to our own health. Plus, it’s a very dangerous chemical to have around the house and even …

How To Make Mint Choc Chip Coconut Milk Ice Cream (Dairy Free)

How To Make Mint Choc Chip Coconut Milk Ice Cream (Dairy Free). Image – OneGoodThingByJillee.com Now I don’t know about you, but as far as I am concerned, life without ice cream is… well… an “unacceptable reality”. And did someone …

The Amazing Unknown Power Of Papaya Seeds

Image – NatureHacks.com (with permission) We discovered a great tutorial that revealed that Papaya seeds could prove to be very beneficial to health. We would normally throw them away without thinking twice! Once again the medicinal power of plants is …

Top 10+ Essential Oils For Cold Sores

Image – © edwardderule – fotolia.com Herpes simplex is a common viral infection of the skin or mucous membranes. It causes intermittent skin lesions – cold sores – which are unpleasant, unsightly and highly contagious. We’ve created a master list …

Know Your Abdominal Pain (Chart)

Know Your Abdominal Pain. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Background photo © ruigsantos – Fotolia.com (under license) Abdominal pain can strike at any time, and sometimes it can be difficult to determine whether or not it is an emergency. This is because …

10 Health Benefits of Cucumbers

Photo – © sommai – fotolia.com One of the most popular and widely grown of all vegetables, cucumbers are considered beneficial to health for numerous reasons. We’ve picked out 10 benefits of cucumbers for you to learn about. Note – …

How To Make Homemade Extracts – Vanilla, Lemon Or Almond

How To Make Homemade Extracts – Vanilla, Lemon Or Almond. Image – Commonsensehome.com (with permission) When you think of herbal extracts, you might (if you are like me) imagine some kind of arcane “alchemist’s lair” with curious distillation equipment, dusty …

Amazing Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar

Graphic – herbshealthhappiness.com. Photo – Bragg® We have found a ton of information about Apple cider vinegar (ACV) and all of its amazing properties! You will not believe how many uses there are for this remarkable liquid. Apple cider vinegar …

How To Make Pine Needle Tea

Image – practicalprimitive.com We discovered a great tutorial for making pine needle tea, an incredibly healthy beverage that contains 4-5 times the Vitamin C of an orange! This easy, step-by-step tutorial is all you need to make this healthy, refreshing …