How To Make 30 Minute Lip Balm

How To Make 30 Minute Lip Balm. Image – (with permission) Here’s an awesome tutorial that we just discovered on how to make your own lip balm. This is a superb natural formula which only uses four ingredients. The …

List Of Natural Remedies To Help You Quit Smoking

Natural Remedies To Help You Quit Smoking. Graphic © Photo sources / licenses – see foot of page We first came across this interesting topic over at Raw For Beauty however we decided to investigate further and see if …

Reflexology Hand And Foot Charts

Reflexology Foot Chart. Graphic © Illustration: Wikipedia – PD.Note – file size is 1920×1690; download image to view at full resolution. Reflexology is the ancient art and science of massaging the feet and / or hands using a technique …

16 Home Remedies For Arthritis

Image – (with permission) We discovered a fantastic tutorial listing 16 home remedies for arthritis, courtesy of our friends over at Common Sense Home! The link follows after our introduction to the topic. Arthritis is a common condition that …

DIY Sleep Salve For Sweet Dreams (& Soft Feet!)

Image – (with permission) Our friend Jillee has posted a recipe for a fantastic sleep salve. Did you know that essential oils are absorbed through the soles of the feet? They should not be put on undiluted, so this …

How To Make An Amazing Sore Throat Tea

Image – This amazing sore throat tea recipe is so delicious that I bet you’ll be using it as a hot drink even when you don’t have a sore throat! 🙂 I can’t think of a reason why you …

Scientific Study Finds Coconut Oil Decreases Obesity

Scientific Study Finds Coconut Oil Decreases Waist Size. Graphic © Photo © AdobeStock 32363593 (under license) Here’s some amazing news for fans of natural foods: Did you know that a 2009 scientific study of 40 women aged 20-40, each …

40 Top Uses For 4 Essential Oils

Image – (with permission) Our tremendous discovery of the day is this fantastic chart listing 40 uses of four of the most popular and versatile essential oils: Lavender, Lemon, Melaleuca (Tea Tree) and Peppermint! One of the things I …

5 Natural Ways To Help Hair Grow Faster

Image – (with permission) Did you know that the condition of hair and skin can be a great indicator for the overall health of the body? It follows naturally from this that one of the best ways to improve …

10 Ways To Reuse Coffee Grounds

10 Ways To Reuse Coffee Grounds. Graphic © Photo © AdobeStock 53076449 (under license) Coffee has been consumed as a beverage since at least as far back as the 15th century – and it originated in the Middle East, …

8 Easy Ways To Prevent Apple & Pear Slices From Browning

Photo – (with permission) Our friends over at The Yummy Life have posted a great page all about how to prevent the browning of apples and pears! Apples and pears oxidize and turn brown quite quickly after they’re sliced …