14 Home Remedies For Nausea

Image (with permission) – EverydayRoots.com Nausea is one of my least favorite things in the entire universe, so I was really pleased to find a whole list of natural remedies for it! Some of these I was not aware of. …

Natural Ways To Keep Fleas Out Of Your Home

How To Naturally Keep Fleas Out Of Your Home. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Flea Illustration – Hooke (PD) Fleas, as pestilent as they are, are actually fascinating creatures. One of their best known “super powers” is their ability to jump hundreds …

Top 30 Vitamin E Rich Foods

Image – Luigi Chiesa (via Wikipedia) – lic. under CC 3.0 Vitamin E is the collective name for what is actually a group of fat-soluble compounds that include eight naturally existing chemical forms, namely, alpha-tocopherol, beta-tocopherol, gamma-tocopherol, delta-tocopherol, alpha-tocotrienol, beta-tocotrienol, …

20 Ingenious Uses For Everyday Herbs

20 Ingenious Uses For Everyday Herbs. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Photo – © Pixelbliss – Fotolia.com (under license) We discovered a great tutorial for people who are interested in herbalism and looking for some simple, memorable and yet ingenious uses for …

28 Natural Ways To Detox Your Body

28 Natural Ways To Detox Your Body. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Photo – Pixabay (PD). Here’s another discovery that we just made on the subject of detoxing – courtesy of our friends over at Health Wholeness. It’s a great page – …

Top 10 Essential Oils For Getting Rid Of Spider Mites

Mite festival? Orgy? Political rally? Best not to think about it. Photo – Alexey Gnilenkov (via Wikipedia) – Lic. under CC 2.0 If you’ve ever had to deal with an infestation of red spider mites on either house or garden …

Top 36 Fat Burning Foods

Photo – © lidante – fotolia.com Fat burning foods is another idea that has come to prominence recently – and another one that I am questioning. Can foods really burn fat? Or is it just another of the many ways …

14 Home Remedies For Bug Bites And Stings

Image (by kind permission) – CommonSenseHome.com We’ve discovered a great page listing home remedies for bug bites and stings. This is going to come in handy… whenever and wherever you are when you get stung, it too often seems to …

20 Natural Ways To Freshen Breath And Be More Kissable

20 Natural Ways To Freshen Breath And Be More Kissable. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Photo – Pixabay (PD) We’ve all encountered it, and it’s not nice. That dude at the party who insists on having a conversation with you, at close …

22 Home Remedies For Acne

Photo – EverydayRoots.com Acne is a frustrating condition that begins when sebum (grease), dirt and dead skin cells get trapped in the pores of the skin, causing them to clog and allowing for the growth of bacteria. There are all …

17 Home Remedies For Sunburn

Photo – EverydayRoots.com Sunburn is one of those things that is “way too easy” to get. It’s worth bearing in mind also that getting a lot of sun and going for a glorious tan may be tempting, it is known …