Rainbow Whole Fruit Popsicles Recipe (No Sugar Added)

photo © EatLocalGrown (with permission) You know how hard it is to find something that your kids will love AND it’s super healthy? Introducing the rainbow fruit popsicle – which is fun to make, brightly colored, super delicious and only …

How To Make A Super Heart Health Juice

Graphic © herbshealthhapiness.com. Photo © Half-Cup Global Enterprises You might wish to mix up a super heart health juice of fresh orange, pomegranate and pink grapefruit, such as the delicious one in the image that our friends made recently! It’s …

You’ll Be Amazed By What They Discovered About Pomegranate Juice

photo © artjazz – fotolia.com Millions of people take toxic cholesterol and blood pressure lowering drugs, however researchers are finding that these may be harmful. For example cholesterol lowering statins have been associated by a growing body of research with …

The Only 12 Exercises You Need To Get In Shape

The Only 12 Exercises You Need To Get In Shape. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Photo © Shutterstock 767561521 (under license) We discovered a fantastic set of exercises with easy-to-follow, illustrated instructions – and it’s so good that we had to share! …

15 Foods To Fight Anemia

image © joshya – fotolia.com Anemia is a medical condition where there is not enough oxygen supply in the blood, causing our tissues and organs to be deprived of oxygen needed to function. This is condition is largely related to …

7 Foods That Contain More Calcium Than Milk

7 Foods That Contain More Calcium Than Milk. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Background photo © nata_vkusidey – fotolia.com (under license) Including more milk in our diet is common advice we hear from health professionals. But what they really mean is including …

Free (Printable) Chart Of Foods Under 100 Calories

infographic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Photos – wikipedia (see foot of page for credits) Here’s an awesome, useful and simple chart of foods under 100 calories that we created to help you make a good choice next time you are in need …

Before You Get Another Flu Shot You Should Read This Info

photo – ViralAlternativeNews 1) Mercury Preservatives Still Being Used: Vials of flu vaccine produced by British pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) were reported [1] to have been found by the Natural News Forensic Food Lab to contain upwards of 51 parts …