Top 10 Essential Oils for Sleep And Insomnia

Top 10 Essential Oils for Sleep And InsomniaGraphic – © Oil pic – Eden’s Garden Check out this great list of essential oils that are known for their calming qualities. Valerian has been used as a sedative since old …

Ultra Simple Trick To Prevent Moldy Berries

Image – © Markus Mainka – (under license) You know the scenario: You bought some delicious raspberries a day or two ago and you’re super excited to eat them… so you get them out of the fridge and to …

What Is Carrageenan And Is It Safe To Eat?

Image – Wellness Mama Carrageenan is one of those strange ingredients that “flies under the radar”. It doesn’t have a name that sounds like Methyldihydrobenzoacetate… and so it doesn’t “sound evil”… it sounds like it might be made from brown …

10 Healthiest Drink Recipes In The World

10 Healthiest Drink Recipes In The World. Image – (with permission) Today we bring you an amazing free collection of recipes for healthy drinks courtesy of our friends over at Natural Living Ideas! We’ve also added a few more …

5 Herbs That Improve Memory

5 Herbs That Improve Memory. Image – We discovered a great list of herbs that improve memory, courtesy of your friends over at Nature Hacks. In the ancient tradition of herbalism, there are numerous reports from the old writers …

The Importance Of Lutein

The Importance Of Lutein. Graphic © Asparagus – Wikipedia – lic. under CC3.0. Other veg – CC0 Lutein is an antioxidant found in green veg and some other foods. Although not very well known to most, it is very …

Top 10 Home Remedies For Headaches (with video and infographics!)

Top 10 Home Remedies For HeadachesGraphic © Photos © Adobe Stock & Shutterstock (under license) Here’s a useful list of home remedies for headaches. Many of these are ultra-simple and can be done by anyone. Note – Sometimes headaches …

Top 10 Best Foods To Cleanse Your Liver

Photos – Wikipedia – lic. under CC (typically v.3.0) Doctors, medical herbalists and nutritionists are all agreed that processed western foods, lifestyles and environmental pollution all take their toll on the health of the liver, which is primarily responsible for …

What Food Cravings Are Telling You About Your Nutrition

Image – Humans evolved to seek out high calorie foods – particularly sugars and fats – instinctively as part of our survival mechanism. Human breast milk is quite high in both (around 4g fat and 7g lactose per 100ml). …

How To Make Your Own Yummy Coconut Milk

How To Make Your Own Yummy Coconut Milk. Image – Coconut is now widely regarded as having all kinds of amazing health benefits. It is packed with healthful medium chain fatty acids and lauric acid. However, if you purchase …

200 Clinically Confirmed Reasons Not To Eat Wheat

Image – © grauvision – We discovered an article that goes into a lot of detail, citing research from many clinical trials and reports to give a really clear picture of the evidence to date – and it’s true …