15 Ways To Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally

15 Ways To Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Photos – Pixabay / Pexels (PD) Are you hypertensive? According to the AHA, an estimated 100 million adults in the United States were affected by hypertension in 2018. That’s …

3-Ingredient Juice For Beautiful Skin (Science Supported!)

Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com The type of food you eat impacts numerous areas in your life, including physical well-being, mental health, and disease prevention. However, many people are unaware of the fact that food plays an important role in determining the …

Top 17 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Bedbugs

Top 17 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Bedbugs. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Bedbug photo via Wikipedia (PD) What Are Bedbugs? The ancient bedtime verse “sleep tight, and don’t let the bugs bite” may, in reality, be hitting the bull’s eye …

25 Unusual Uses For Baking Soda

Unusual Uses For Baking Soda. Graphic: © herbshealthhappiness.com. background photo – Pixabay (PD). As plain as it looks, baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is actually a versatile compound with tons of possible uses. The inexpensive household staple is typically used for …

Top Five Recycling Stats

Top Five Recycling Stats. Graphic: © herbshealthhappiness.com. Small images – Pixabay (PD). It’s about time we take recycling more seriously – i.e. if we plan to ensure the sustainability of our planet. Observing proper recycling practices allows us to conserve …

10 Things You Can Do For Trash Free Seas

Graphic: © herbs-info.com. Image source – Pixabay (PD). Over 8 million tons of plastic trash is deposited in our oceans every year. [1] But this is not just from trash “thrown into the ocean”. Once trash finds its way into …

7 Science-Supported Ways To Boost Your Happiness

7 Science-Supported Ways To Boost Your Happiness. Graphic © herbshealthhappiness.com. Cat pic – Pixabay (PD) People in the USA alone spend an average of $550 million on self-help books and $1 billion on motivational speakers in a year, with the …

Ultra Simple Trick To Prevent Moldy Berries

Image – © Markus Mainka – Fotolia.com (under license) You know the scenario: You bought some delicious raspberries a day or two ago and you’re super excited to eat them… so you get them out of the fridge and to …

How To Grow Your Own Blueberries

How To Grow Your Own Blueberries. Image – Commonsensehome.com (with permission) We’ve discovered an awesome tutorial for growing your own blueberries! The link follows after our introduction to the topic. Blueberries are renowned for their health benefits – they are …