How To Make A Real All-Natural Electrolyte Drink

How To Make An All-Natural Electrolyte Drink
How To Make An All-Natural Electrolyte Drink. Image – (with permission)

We’ve found an awesome recipe (actually three different recipes) for an “electrolyte energy drink” made from real ingredients – and had to share.

Shop-bought “energy drinks” have come under a lot of criticism due to their artificial ingredients. So with these drinks you get to avoid all that. You also get to avoid adding to the ever-growing mountain of evil plastic bottle waste – which is something we of course think should be avoided whenever possible.

Electrolyte solutions are ionized salts dissolved in water. The primary electrolyte ions of importance to the body are sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), chloride (Cl-), hydrogen phosphate (HPO42-), and hydrogen carbonate (HCO3-). [1]

What’s really interesting is that the balance of electrolytes in the body’s cells affects hydration. Because of the way osmosis works, fluids that are isotonic (have an ideal balance of electrolytes for the body) will be able to be absorbed optimally by cells, leading to ideal hydration. [2]

Isn’t that weird, now you come to think about it? Pure water is not the most hydrating thing. We need something closer to our body’s actual balance for maximum absorption.

Note that the original recipe suggests (as an optional ingredient) to add sugar – and we say don’t! There is NO need for it, and we think the drink will be better (and more natural of course) without it. Also, scientists have stated that for the vast majority of people, drinks with added sugar actually counteract the benefits of exercise – despite the marketing hype. [2]

Electrolytes are lost, along with water, by sweating – however scientists have suggested that excessive supplementation with salt during or after exercise can cause harm. So go easy on the salt! [3]

Ok here is the link to the full recipes:

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The #1 Muscle That Eliminates Joint And Back Pain, Anxiety And Looking Fat

By Mike Westerdal CPT

Can you guess which muscle in your body is the #1 muscle that eliminates joint and back pain, anxiety and looking fat?

This is especially important if you spend a significant amount of time sitting every day (I do, and this really affects me in a big way!)

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Is it...

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12 thoughts on “How To Make A Real All-Natural Electrolyte Drink

  1. Awesome! Thankyou. when I was at uni we made electrolites for horses, but i have never done for myself. If im really dehydrated i will get a Powerade for the electrolites, even though i kknow they are not that great for me. I can only have the yellow because im allergic to the rest. Ive also tried the powders that you take when you have gastro. But im going to try this. Cheers.

  2. The only change I would make and also recommend is instead using sea salt use unrefined sea salt which is the salt that has been used for thousands of years. Yes the key word is unrefined sea salt. The celtic unrefined sea salt or real salt by Redmond.

  3. Pineapple is much better for our guts and glory…rather than orange! Give it a drink – mmmgood for you and your own constitution…

  4. Sugar is not natural and is overly processed of empty calories and is a nightmare for diabetics. I would suggest using stevia powder , tamarind juice , or juice from presoaked dry fruits . Fermented raw apple cider vinegar adds electrolytes and probiotics as well. Some sea salts are bleached white. Real salt is not white in color. I would use instead some Pink Himalayan Sea salt crystals or make salty sole water from this salt. Celtic sea salt is another good option. Making sun herbal teas will also provide electrolytes . Holistic Chef Barry

  5. I would use Himalayan salt which is the best salt available, full of minerals and leave out the sugar. Stevia or coconut sugar or Manuka honey for sweetness

  6. Thank you so much! It seems I need need to be dehydrated everyday after exercising!
    Diabetics can loose their lives by not having enough sugar in their system. Honey is about as natural as you can get.

  7. Chef Barry hit the nail On the head, pink Himalayan sea salt adds the lost minerals that are lost from sweating as well as the salt. Never use Morton salt for anything! It’s been bleached, heated to 1400 degrees which destroys all the minerals and has other chemicals added to prevent caking and keep all the crystals pretty and the same size!

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